Derived from economic crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, among other factors such as Ukrainian war and inflationthere was a reduction in middle and upper class In Mexico. And it is that between 2010 and 2020 the number of inhabitants of the middle class has decreased 11.7%, equivalent to six million 271 peopleaccording to information published by the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi).

During this same 10-year period, they ceased to belong to the upper class 815,000 people and their number decreased by 44.3%As a result, they now represent 0.8% of the total Mexican population.
However, the economic crisis in mexico shot at the lower class population in 8.8 million peopleto 78.5 million, which implies a growth of 12.5 percent. Only this group represents 62% of the total population of Mexicothat is to say almost two thirds, whereas barely five years ago, in 2018, it was 55.8%.
For this reason, the The World Bank has set itself the goal of ending extreme poverty on the planet by 2030. Given this, only recognizes four social classes: extreme poverty; median poverty, vulnerable population and middle class.

And it is that the World Bank assures that most of the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean they have low rates of extreme poverty; however, warn that the inhabitants of this region increasingly live with fewer resources.
This is the classification of social classes according to World Bank:
– Extreme poverty: To this social class belong those who receive a wages less than $2.15 a dayi.e. some 40 pesos at the current exchange rate, approximately. If a month has 30 days, these people would receive a monthly salary of 1,200 pesos.
– Average poverty: To this social class belong those who earn less than $3.65 a daywhich translates to approximately 66 pesos per day at the current exchange rate. If the month has 30 days, the worker would earn approximately one thousand 980 pesos per month.

– Vulnerable population: To this social class, according to World Bank, enter people who receive a salary above 6.85 and up to 14 dollars a day, or between 124 and 254 pesos, approximately, at the current exchange rate. If the month has 30 days, these people would receive between 4 and 8 thousand pesos per month.
– Middle class : To this social class belong those who receive a salary between 14.81 and 81 dollars per daythe sea, approximately between 268 and 1,400 pesos per day at the current exchange rate. If a month has 30 days, workers belonging to this social class would receive between 8 and 47 thousand pesos.
Even if he world Bank indicates which people fall into the social class of the house, according to their economic income, it does not specify what the characteristics are nor what occupation occupies each category. In the Official Journal of the FederationOn the other hand, it details the composition of each social class and classifies them into six categories:
– Low low: they are temporary workers, as well as certain groups of immigrants, informal traders, the unemployed and people living on social assistance.

-Down up : Composed of workers and peasants; it is the physical strength of society, since it performs hard labor in exchange for an income slightly above the minimum wage.
– Medium-low: This social class is made up of office workers, technicians, supervisors and skilled craftsmen. His income is not very high, however, it is stable.
– Medium high: It is mostly made up of businessmen and entrepreneurial professionals who usually have a steady and stable income.
– High Low: It is made up of wealthy families for a few generations. Its economic income is substantial and very stable.
-Top Top: It is made up of wealthy families who have occupied an important place for several generations and whose fortune is so old that one forgets when and how they acquired it.