The South Pacific High is one of the terms that has generated searches among Peruvians due to the Cyclone Yakua phenomenon that causes a series of phenomena on the Peruvian coast, giving scenarios of huaicosheavy rains, blockages due to landslides, restricted access roads, as well as material loss.
The National Service of Meteorology and Hydrology of Peru (Senami) explains that the South Pacific Anticyclone (APS) is an atmospheric system with a function over the Pacific Ocean. cause the maintenance of normal, dry and cool air conditions, particularly due to the trade winds from east to west. This allows the Humboldt current reach the Peruvian coast.
The institution indicates that its formation is part of a very large atmospheric circulation, globally speaking, called Hadley. Similarly, the anticyclone is controlled by the warm ridge, which holds APS in a semi-permanent position.
This means that when the cold trough – in which the temperature is lower than in adjacent areas – replaces the warm peak, allows the anticyclone to become mobileespecially in winter.
Winds are channeled stronger than normal on the Peruvian coast, thanks to the Coast Range.
In short, it is the name given to an atmospheric system that It is located on the Pacific Ocean. It has a great influence on the weather of the coast. It supports the entry of intense winds and moves northward during the winter season.
senamhi indicates that it has effects on fishing, agriculture and aviation commercial activities, for example airports.
He South Pacific High, is positioned between Peru and Chile, but is generally further south on the mainland. For seasons, there will be clouds that darken the coastal summer, as well as a heavy feeling at night.
The latter is due to the fact that the earth’s heat emitted into the atmosphere warms the air, producing these warm temperatures. Similarly, we could present a varied climate, with light sunshine, cloudiness and light night rain.
Trade winds are constant winds that blow from subtropical high pressure areas to equatorial low pressure areas on Earth. These winds take their name from the Spanish term “alisios”, which means “gentle and regular wind”.
It’s a cold ocean current that flows along the west coast of South America, from southern Chile to northern Peru and Ecuador. It is formed by the influence of the trade winds and the South Pacific High, which push cold, nutrient-rich water to the surface of the ocean.
This is important because the rich mix of nutrients that rises there supports a great deal of marine life, making it one of the most important fishing grounds in the world.