There Euphorbia heterophyllait is a plant better known under the name of dairy, is native to America, can reach 1.5 meters in height and its leaves usually have a characteristic red spot. The herb is native from Mexico to Honduras.
What is the plant that relieves burns, according to experts
This type of plant secretes a gel which is used for superficial skin lesions, it also has other properties such as acne
He dairy is used within the traditional herbal medicinemainly in Quintana Roo, Nayarit, Tabasco and Yucatanwhere he usually helps fight grain on the skin, jotes, frostbite, warts, soressmall and infected wounds.
It should be mentioned that its leaves with the most used part of the plant and depending on the state will be the way in which it is prepared, for example, for treat skin blemishes: se roasted or roasted and applied topicallyWhile for fight against uterine cancerA infusion with the leaves and he is caught, against frostbiteTHE heals with the alcoholic infusion of the leaves, according to the information published in the Digital Library of Traditional Mexican Medicine.
They are latex milky in appearance, can be used for cure canker sores, ulcers, erysipelas lesions, wartsin certain eye lesions, on minor scratches and mosquito bites, according to data published by the Institute of Ecology, AC (Incol).
What is spirulina good for according to experts
This type of unicellular algae is of pre-Hispanic origin. The Aztecs consumed it in their daily diet
Additionally, you can prepare a infusion with the whole plant power washing wounds and applying scabies bathswhile leaf decoction is used as anti-inflammatoryfinally, the latex extracted from the stems, leaves, smoothed and rubbed, like a urinary antiseptic.
Herbs that help fight acne naturally
What are the benefits of consuming elderflower, according to experts
People who consume this medicinal plant could help fight certain diseases naturally
– Clove: comes from the clove tree and is an antioxidant that helps fight free radicals and prevent skin damage, in turn eliminates marks caused by acnediminishes wrinkles, expression lines and sagging.
– Calendula: This plant stands out for its antioxidant that helps fight free radicals and prevent skin damage, in turn eliminates marks caused by acnediminishes wrinkles, expression lines and sagging.
Thanks to them, it has been shown that it can work as an effective treatment for skin problems, such as: burns, acne, irritation, dryness and even for healing, as it softens, tones and hydrates.
–Argan tree: its oil acts as regenerating, moisturizing, purifying, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Therefore, to treat facial imperfections, it will be enough to apply oil to the area where the bait accumulates, massaging lightly with your fingers, leaving for a few minutes and then rinsing.
–Dandelion: because it contains vitamins, minerals, acids, alkaloids and has astringent properties, anti-inflammatory, healing there moisturizersis that it helps fight acne.
One way to use it is to prepare an infusion, for this you will need: boil water, then add the dandelion and finally you will have to let it rest between 20 and 30 minutes, then strain it and once it is lukewarm or cold, apply on the face without rinsing.
– Salvia: As it is composed of flavonoids, estrogen, asparagine, mineral salts, vitamins, polyphenols, thujone, caffeic and ursolic acid, it is ideal for countering skin problems, such as: remove excess sweat and bait, smooth and eliminate wrinkles.
– milk thistle: It is a medicinal plant that helps improve liver function, has antioxidants and helps purify the skin so that it appears clean and free of impurities by reducing the presence of blackheads and pimples.
– Chamomile: can help reduce excess acne on the face thanks to its properties antiseptic.