Although there are many debates about the origin of the podcast and who was the first in history, there is no doubt that the rise of streaming platforms such as Spotify in the new millennium has boosted the popularity of this format.
As the word says “podcast”it is an audio product that describes an episodic series available to be listened to whenever the user wishes. The word was officially born in 2004when Ipod and broadcast were combined.
Whether it’s health, sports, politics, culture and entertainment, this format has also regained its fame with Spanish audiences, although not all genres enjoy the same acceptance.
From criminal problems to welfare, Here is a list of the most popular podcasts In Spain.
1. Podcast by Marian Rojas Estapé
Marian Rojas Estapé, doctor and psychiatrist brings us some podcast episodes where we can understand each other better. Marian tells you and explains specific issues of the mind, behavior or emotional world. We are going to learn more about oxytocin and cortisol. We will have keys to identify the people around us, Marian will talk to us about many topics related to our mental health and teach us how to live with more harmony thanks to the knowledge of our body.The Marian Rojas Estapé Podcast is an exclusive podcast on Spotify. Credits: Script and voice-over: Marian Rojas Estapé Production: Editorial Espasa Director: Sergio García Jáñez Recording: Margot Martín Editing: Sunne de Nación Podcast
2. The Wild Project
EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY NEW EPISODES. Welcome to THE WILD PROJECT, Jordi Wild’s podcast. News, sports, interviews with the most interesting guests, science, anecdotes and curiosities, debates, philosophy, psychology, mystery, terror… and much more. Each week, speak clearly and fearlessly about the world around us. Don’t miss it!
3. Not bad
Welcome to Ni Tan Mal with influencers Jennifer Muchelas, Nuria Blanco and Carla Vico. They will have conversations about life as if no one is listening to them. Love, Friendship, Envy, Hate, Success, Social Causes A podcast in which they invite the listener to get to know them better, opening doors to their world and creating heartfelt conversation as if you were talking with your best friend An Abbcast production. Are you an advertiser or a brand and want to advertise on our podcast? We are waiting for you here: https:www.advoices.comni-tan-mal
4. Nobody knows anything
Andreu Buenafuente and Berto Romero sit face to face, microphone by microphone, and improvise. What can go wrong? The humor of these two geniuses is gold to your ears. Open them although deep down no one knows anything. Live on Cadena Ser on Saturdays at 12:00 p.m. and at any time if you are a subscriber.
5. The Pija and the Quinqui
Carlos Peguer and Mariag’s podcast. Every Sunday exclusively on Spotify. Follow us on the networks in pijayquinqui.
6. You don’t know
This podcast tells you things you didn’t know over breakfast so you can tell them over lunch and look super smart. A window on history, science, culture, geography or psychology in 5 minutes. Esta no te la sabes is an original Spotify podcast in collaboration with The Voice Village. From Monday to Friday.
7. Night Terrors
Horror stories, mystery, real cases, inexplicable events… Every Tuesday we bring you a new story that won’t let you sleep. With Emma Trains and Silvia Ortiz. Directed by David Fernández Marcos. Illustrations TheGray.Art Get paid subscription: https:anchor.fmterroresnocturnossubscribe
8. Understand your mind
Understand Your Mind is the most listened to psychology podcast in Spanish. Our objective? Help you understand yourself better. Every week you will find one of these contents: “Así Somos”. Luis and Molo share curious stories from which they extract little psycho-learning. “Notes on Psychology”. Molo shares some of the notes that caught his attention the most while studying psychology. “ETM Collection”. Esther, Luis and Molo analyze – psychology – a character from a series, a book or a film. “20 minutes to better understand you”. A 4-way conversation between Molo, Luis, Mónica and you.
9. Little is spoken! Briten and Xuso Jones
Poco se Habla is a podcast full of humor and spontaneity created by Ana Brito of “El Show de Briten” and Xuso Jones, two rising content creators. In this podcast, they will discuss taboo subjects that are rarely talked about in a very natural, sincere way and demystifying theories. And they will do it with a different guest every week. Ana and Xuso’s goal; make people laugh, have a good time and fill their wallet with bills.
10. Will you be my friend?
Two strangers try to make friends on air every week. Mario and Dane hit it off at a divorce party and will meet every Monday to find out the true meaning of friendship. Or not.
*Some titles may not have a description because the platform does not provide it.

A podcast is an audio product which has a defined periodicity and can be composed of several episodes, although it has its origins in the radio, today those who like this format can find it on internet pages or streaming platforms like Spotify.
Although podcasts started as a discussion between various participants on a particular topic, over time the ways of doing them have diversified and now a person or a group can speak, likewise they are not only used as a space to exchange views, but also encompass genres of interview like the #EnCasaDeMara podcast where he asks questions to various characters such as Edy Smoloh fictionas is the case with the thriller of the Caso 63 Chilean Podcastor deal with issues of science, politics, journalism, welfare, among others.
The word “podcast” was first used on February 12, 2004. by Guardian journalist Ben Hammersley in an article in which he explained how economically viable it was to create an online radio broadcast and access it when users wanted it.
Although there are various debates on the date of emergence of the first podcast in history, several experts have pointed out that the idea has been clear since the creation of the Thomas Alva Edison’s phonograph in 1870cuando los intellectuales de la época como Philip Hubert, Octave Uzanne o Edward Bellamy predict that the gente acabría “leyendo con los ojos cerrados” los libros, periódicos y revistas y hasta las mamás dejarían de quedarse roncan contando cuentos a los niños antes de ir à sleep.

Swedish society Spotify announced in November 2020 the takeover and acquisition of the advertising and podcasting platform Megaphone for 235 million dollars, which was used for the monetization of audios and the heyday of this type of production, which has become one of the formats back-to-school 2022 favourites.
Last year Spotify’s podcast offering extended to new markets and recorded the existence of more than four million podcasts, although few have managed to leave a bigger mark in 2022 and become the most popular.
Worldwide, the title that topped the most played ranking was The Joe Rogan Experiencewhich also added its third straight year as a favorite podcast.
In the most listened to list he was followed by call her daddy by Alex Cooper; on the third step is Anything goes with Emma Chamberlaina future Spotify exclusive that touches on a variety of tracks from the famous American creator.
The Case 63 Chilean audio series It was one of those who managed to lead the ranking of the most reproduced for weeks and obtained the fourth place in the world. This Spanish podcast has even been dubbed into Portuguese, Brazilian, Hindi and English.
On the fifth rung is the true crime podcast called Addicted to crime Voiced by Ashley Flowers and Brit Prawat.
The coronavirus pandemic has not only benefited podcasts by increasing their number of users, but also audiobooks also added more consumers on various platforms, including Spotify, as it is estimated that they can leave annual profits of up to $70 billion.
The streaming platform, where audio books increased by 20%turned to narrating books with the voices of Hollywood celebrities.
Its rise could also be due to criticism of how easily the platform let podcasters speak, falling into misinformation errors in the midst of a pandemic, as was the case with Joe Roganwhich also caused the company to lose up to $2.1 million.