With an artificial intelligence-based video-bot, the Secretary for the Knowledge Economy, Ariel Sujarchuktoday announced the landing of EconArthe first exhibition “from Argentina to the world” which will bring together a hundred companies, entrepreneurs, start-ups and researchers involved in the sector.
“Arrived #EconArthe first fair of the #KnowledgeEconomy which brings together young talents, entrepreneurs and companies that develop technological innovation. And a button example of anything that can be enjoyed is this video I share with you where his script, the robot videothe locution, images and music were created using artificial intelligence (AI) tools,” shared the mayor of the Buenos Aires party of Escobar in license for use via social networks.
The event, which will take place from March 17 to 19 from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at the Palermo in countrysidewill see the participation of players from the field of software, biotechnology and nanotechnology, aerospace and satellites, video games, audiovisual and technology-based professional services.
The activity includes conferences, interactive spaces, immersive experiences and collaborative workshops. With free admission, EconAr advertises itself as “a unique meeting opportunity for young people, entrepreneurs, businessmen and academics passionate about the strategic opportunities of a sector that has an impact on all productive activities”.
The 40,000 visitors expected will have free access to exhibitions of innovative products and services, presentation of the Country Brand and delivery of the Argentina Knowledge Economy Company Certificates. Activities include immersive and inclusive experiences, never-before-seen audio-visual screenings, video game championships and esports esports.
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In addition, during the fair, about forty academic units from all over the country will present their educational offers and technological innovation projects.
“It is the only fair that talks about the future of Argentina in terms of work, education, business and daily life. Because it brings together strategic full-employment industries, key to the borderless, federal and inclusive economy promoted by Minister Massa”, underlined Ariel Sujarchuk.
“The sector conquers a new right, being the first meeting of the state-funded article. Added to this is the creation of a development committee that will allow the organization of other actions to promote and spread Argentina’s knowledge economy in the world, from now on”, added the secretary. of the region.
Within the government, they ensure that the country has competitive conditions to export the knowledge economy. This is because the sector is already positioned as the third complex in foreign currency revenue per year, with a contribution of $9 billionaccording to official figures.

“The knowledge economy is a strategic sector in the development of Argentina, being transversal to all the productive activities of our country, which has enormous advantages for being a world power”, underlined the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa.
In a thread of messages on his account on the social network Twitter, Massa pointed out that “EconAr is another of the actions that the government is promoting to promote this ecosystem”, after the regulations that establish multiple tax incentives. He also pointed out that with formation lines such as “ArgentinaPrograma» the « political decision to invest in the training of new talents was taken, to favor a change of the productive matrix towards strategic activities in which our country has everything it needs to be at the forefront of the world “.
“Given the reality that many professionals and entrepreneurs sell their services overseas and bill them out of the country or bill them in cryptocurrencies, we sent Congress the Monotecha project to guarantee the right of all Argentines to work within the framework of the law,” the minister said in his list of measures for the sector.
EconAR’s schedule of conferences and activities can be viewed by entering www.feriaeconar.gob.ar.
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