Will it rain, will it be sunny or will it be cold this Thursday?, here it is weather forecast for the following hours in Temuco.
This Thursday’s weather in Temuco will reach 21 degrees, while the minimum temperature It will be 12 degrees. The expected UV index is 1.
As for the rain the probability of precipitation for said city it will be 85%, with 100% cloudiness, during the day; and 96%, with 100% cloudiness, throughout the night.
During this time, wind gusts will reach 37 kilometers per hour during the day and 33 kilometers per hour at night.
Being in the center of Chile and south of Santiago, the city of Temuco tells a state of time is oceanic.
This means that in the city of Araucania winters are cold and summers are coolIt also has well-distributed rainfall throughout the year.
In Temuco the mean temperature It’s around 11 degrees Celsius.
In its hottest monthtemperatures reach around 27 degrees Celsius, while in his coldest days the temperature drops to 3 degrees Celsius.
Although the rains are constant throughout the year, seasons with more precipitation They are regularly from May to August.
In Chile they present themselves climates of all kinds, from very cold to very hotdue to its geographical location and particular territorial extension.
in the north of the countryfrom the region of Arica and Parinacota, in Valparaíso, three types of climate are distinguished: tundra and desert in its cold and hot variants.
There tundra It is characterized by a dry and always cold climate that occurs throughout the eastern part of the northern part of the Chilean country, on the border with Bolivia and Argentina.
He hot desert It is the one that predominates in most of the northern zone of Chile, it is characterized by mild winters with nights reaching zero degrees Celsius, very hot summers and little rain.
During this time he cold desert It is felt in the coastal regions of northern Chile, where the winters are very cold and the summers hot, here too the rainfall is very low.
In the center of the Chilean countryfrom the southern part of Valparaíso and up to Bío Bío, the two main climates are the cold semi-arid, the Mediterranean and the Mediterranean with cool summers.
He cold semi-arid It appears in the most northwestern region of the central part of the country, where the winters are very cold, the summers are hot or temperate and rainfall is rare.
The climate Mediterranean It is the most abundant in the center of the Chilean country and is characterized by mild winters, hot summers and a marked rainy season.
For his part, he Mediterranean with cool summers the most central part of Chile appears, the only difference with the previous climate is that its summers are cool, as its name suggests.
In the south part of Chilefrom Araucania to Magallanes, the predominant climates are the tundra, semi-arid and oceanic cold.
He oceanic It is the main climate of the southern region, where the winters are cold and the summers cool, with rain practically all year round.