Coat and umbrella or light clothes and cap? If you don’t know what outfit to go out with this Friday, here it is the weather forecast for the next few hours in Barcelona.
During the day temperature it will reach a maximum of 17 degrees, rain forecast it will be 3%, with 68% cloudiness, while wind gusts will be 33 kilometers per hour.
As for UV rays, they should reach a level of up to 4.
For the night, temperature will reach 10 degrees, while precipitation forecast It will be 4%, with 70% cloudiness, while wind gusts will reach 24 kilometers per hour during the day.
Barcelona is located in the northeast of Spain, on the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula, where two types of climate prevail: the Continental Mediterranean there humid subtropical.
The climate Continental Mediterranean occurs mainly south of Barcelona and is characterized by mild winters there hot, dry summers.
while the Rainy season in this climate, it is present mainly during the winter or in the intermediate seasons.
For its part, the weather humid subtropical it occurs in the northernmost part of the region, characterized by cold or mild winters, as well as humid and hot summers.
Meanwhile, there is no rainy season as such in this climatic state, since well-distributed rainfall throughout the year.
According to the National Meteorological Agency (Aemet) of Spain, the Maximum temperature in Barcelona it is around 30 degrees Celsius and occurs during the months of July and August.
In the case of minimum temperature Aemet mentions that it is below zero degrees Celsius between December and January.
The months in which more rain is falling in Barcelona they are between September and October. While snow days there are very few of them, no more than 10 per year on average.
Spain is characterized by being sunny, where sunshine hours are about 3,000 hours per year. THE temperatures in this Mediterranean country are mildHowever, there are marked differences between seasons and different areas.
Although Amet records up to 13 types of climates in SpainThey are really four that predominate: oceanic, Mediterranean cool summers, Continental Mediterranean there cold steppe.
The oceanic is characterized by being temperate with cool summers, heavy rainfall and well distributed throughout the year.
In Spain, it appears mainly in northern and western Galicia, the Cantabrian Sea, the Iberian system, the northeast of the northern plateau and much of the Pyrenees, except for the highest areas.
The cool-summer Mediterranean, as its name suggests, has dry and cool summersas well as cold or mild winterswhile most the rains fall in winter or intermediate stations.
This climate covers most of the northern plateau, inland Galicia and many mountainous areas in the center and south of the peninsula. In the Canary Islands, it extends widely inside the islands of La Palma, El Hierro, La Gomera and Tenerife, as well as in the highest areas of Gran Canaria.
Continental Mediterranean records mild and rainy wintersas well as hot, dry summers.
This type of climate is present in much of the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. It extends over most of the southern half and the Mediterranean coastal regions, with the exception of the arid areas of the south-east.
As for the cold steppe, the winters are very cold and the summers can be temperate or hotMoreover, the rainfall is rare.
This climate extends to the southeast of the peninsula, to the Ebro Valley, to the southern plateau and, to a lesser extent, to Estemadura, the Balearic Islands and the center of the northern plateau. They are also observed on all the islands of the Canary archipelago.
Spring and fall is when the more pleasant climate in Spainweather conditions that allow you to enjoy the outdoors practically all day.
The ace maximum temperatures are reached in July and Augustthe hottest and driest months in the whole country.
While minimum temperatures usually occur in January and Februarymonths which also coincide with days with more rainmainly in northern Spain.