Through the digital channels of the Unit for Victims and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs briefed victims, victims’ organizations and victims’ rights organizations abroad on how to register with the National table for the effective participation of victims and dispel concerns about this issue.
Victims of enforced disappearance will be prioritized by the UBPD
Through the “Peace Module” the people recognized as affected by the conflict will be unified, this will accelerate the work of accompaniment and the strategies to deal with the cases
You must remember that the National Casualty Chart is a space for the participation and representation of victims of armed conflict before the national government.
Delegates are elected by the same victims democratically by popular vote, once the previous registration process has been completed.
The Ministry of Defense handed over 112 files containing data on the missing to the search unit
The announcement is made after the management carried out by the leadership of the UBPD before the Minister of Defense, Iván Velásquez Gómez, after 5 years without obtaining a response from the previous government
According to what the Unit for Victimspeople who are abroad and wish to participate in the National Table must send a form with the following information:
1. Identity document of the legal representative or delegate who will vote.
The works of the Memory Museum of Colombia are in the crosshairs of the Attorney General’s Office
The Public Ministry fears that they will remain unfinished and that these delays will cause serious patrimonial damage to the nation
2. Identity document of the candidates in the electoral process.
3. Minutes noting the organizational or associative will of its members.
4. Certificate, communication, deed or instrument confirming the application for registration and also expressing the will of the members of the organization to participate.
5. Summary proof of the work carried out by the VO during the past year.
The national entity recommended that it is essential that all information is clearly typed to avoid difficulties in communicating with the legal representatives and the respective postulates..
According to the national entity, the victims abroad Those who cannot complete this process through the digital channel can go to the consulate of the corresponding country where an official will help them with the process and verification of documentation.
It should be noted that victims who are in Venezuela only have the option of registering virtually, as this country does not yet have a consulate. “However, there are border service points where registrations take place. IThe deadline to complete this process is March 31, 2023“, reports the Unit of the victims.
At another time, the Unit for Victims indicated that he will meet with the members of the Executive Committee of the National Table, in a space of open dialogue, in order to articulate the efforts aimed at strengthening the participatory processes within the framework of Total Peace. This event will take place on February 24.
Among the issues to be discussed are, for example, the socialization of the process of victim participation in the construction of the National Development Plan (PND), and the definition of a common route for monitoring the proposals resulting from the 33 meetings (departmental and departmental ) and the 47 binding dialogues promoted by the Unit in collaboration with the National Planning Department (DNP).
In regards to, Patricia Tobon YagariDirector of the Victims’ Unit, underlined the importance of the work carried out for so many years by the members of the National Table and their leaders in the departmental tables, in favor of the rights of victims of the armed conflict.
“As Director, I not only appreciate, but deeply admire the work that, through their leadership, they do daily to ensure that the voices of victims of armed conflict can have a central role in government policies,” said the manager.
And he added later that what is expected with this type of socialization and dialogue scenarios is that between the Unit for Victims and table representatives can “carve a path oriented towards dignity, participation, reparation and peace building. This is a dialogue that I undertake as director, with many spaces for participation so that the politics of victims can be articulated and that victims can play a leading role in building total peace”, concluded Tobón in his statement.