Since the early hours of February 16, there have been problems in the operation of transmilenio in the Usme portal where dozens of people undertook rides due to being unable to board an item.

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The mayor of Bogotá expressed her optimism for the development of the days of demonstrations in Colombia, and regarding the capital, she indicated that the 15,000 citizens who came out on the second day and the 2,000 on the first, had a democratic behavior that corresponds to the so-called “total peace”
A traffic accident in Av. Boyacá with 67 south was the explanation given for which the trunk fleet of transmilenio there were roadblocks and vehicles stalled on the road trying to deviate onto Av. Caracas.
However, the Transport company of the third millennium Transmilenio SAconfirmed that around 7:15 a.m. the incident was resolved and his fleet reactivated.

This is how the anti-casting doors that TransMilenio has already integrated in six stations work
During the presentation of the measure, a citizen tried to sneak into one of the stations
Mayor of Bogotá, Claudia Lopezhe referenced in his official account of Twitter to the massive congestion that occurred during the first hours in relation to the vehicle accident that interrupted mobility south of the country’s capital and reiterated the tweet of transmilenio about restoring trunk and power service.
Information provided by Claudia López on food service in the district. @ Claudia Lopez. Twitter
Adding to the inconvenience was the protest that was taking place at the 20 de Julio gate and Country Sur station that began at 4:30 a.m., which is why service was not provided from the area for a few hours. According to the demonstrators, the bus operators do not guarantee the safety of the drivers and denounce that there are some who drive very long hours.

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Regarding the protests, transmilenio reported that its operation starts from the Primera de Mayo station.
At 4:15 a.m., a mobility anomaly was recorded in the District, an accident between a bus and a motorcycle in the west of Bogotá, in the municipality of Fontibón, on Calle 17 with Carrera 96G, in an east-west direction. , the grim road left one person dead. According to information provided by the Mobility secretary members of transit unit and forensics.
Around 4:28 a.m., a bus and a motorcycle collided, injuring one person. The facts occurred on Boyacá Avenue with South Street 70C, in the lane that goes from south to north, in the city of Ciudad Bolivar.
Regarding the service offered TransMilenio SA, at 4:30 a.m., the operation began amid the roadblocks of the drivers of the SiTP and the same entity in the July 20 Portal. Due to the situation, the gate and the Country station were no longer crowded.
At 7 a.m., traffic jams were reported in the Usme portal, as there has been an impact on mobility in the region due to traffic jams on the Caracas corridor. The presence of Police y traffic managersSimilarly, delays in the services of transmilenio of the portal.
At 7:30 a.m. the opening of the 20 de Julio gate was recorded but without power service, the transport company indicated that the situation in the gate was resolved and it began to operate normally. “Protesters withdraw from gate yard entrance, trunk services begin to activate, we keep power suspended,” stated the company in its account Twitter.
Again transmilenio delivered relevant information at 7:35 a.m. where, through his networks, he informed users that the news was continuing on the 20 de Julio portal, and added by means of a trill: “We are sorry for the assignment that has been generated in the provision of service to Cra. 10ma and the routes that go to other trunks.”
Transmilenio: ”Resolved novelty in Portal Usme. Main fleet stream. We are working to restore frequencies and get you to your destination. @TransMilenio. Twitter
In turn, he confirmed that he was working hand in hand with the Bogota Police and the government secretary to respond to mobility inconveniences in a timely manner.
The company of Transport of the third millennium Transmilenio SA, confirmed at 7:45 a.m. that he already had access to the courtyard of Portal 20 de Julio. Where the feeder service continued to be suspended. After several hours of demonstrations, around 8:00 a.m., the trunk services were activated from the 20 de Julio portal. The return by Av. 1ro de Mayo has been cancelled. And the departures service has been gradually activated.
It should be noted that due to ongoing works on the TransMilenio main line along Avenida 68, the Bogota Mobility Secretariat authorized the closure of two lanes in the south-north direction, between Av. Calle 53 and Av. Calle 63.
However, the closure would last until May 2024. Riders will continue to travel on the three lanes that will be activated, one contraflow lane on the west expressway and two lanes on the east lane.