A serious act of rural insecurity occurred yesterday at dawn on the property of the Agricultural, Livestock and Industrial Cooperative Limited of Puan City in Buenos Aires, 440 kilometers from the city of Buenos Aires. Fifty-one silo bags were vandalized, 25 of which suffered total damage. All contained wheat and more than 10,000 tonnes are affected. So far, there are no detainees in the case, while investigative tasks continue after the police complaint.
This is the case with the highest number of broken silo bags ever recorded. “As a cooperative entity and in our community actions We repudiate this act of vandalism and violence, always inviting dialogue, respect and consensus. We thank the media, institutions and the community that have shown their solidarity with our entity, “said the board of directors of the cooperative, and also clarified that at this moment they are in the midst of hauling and “shoveling” of cereals. to try to get it back.
In dialogue with this media, the president of the Cooperative, Roberto Sanchez, said that “it was a cowardly act. It seems to me that we don’t deserve all this, because we are still trying to grow, to work, to provide labor in the community and in the neighborhood where our branches are located. As we suspect more than one person entered the property. Many silobags were smashed with a knife or box cutter and slashed end to end, and others suffered damage from simply stepping on the silobag.

And he added: “All this surprises us because it is a quiet area. The cereal belongs to the producers who deliver it to the Cooperative to market it and now you find that you have an enormous expense and loss which must be borne by us. Apart from the economic expense and the loss that we will suffer, there are the logistics that have to be taken care of. You have to imagine that more than 10,000 tonnes are concerned”. Also, according to Sánchez, the level of economic loss will be assessed at the end of the cereal harvest, since so far there are still no details on how many tons can be recovered.
Beyond this last quote, the representative of the Cooperative declared that “the economic loss will be very important, but the logistics will also have an impact on all that because we do freight and trips that were not scheduled and now overnight you have to deal with it all. So far it is not known why this vandalism was generated, since we have no union, union or personal problems and nothing allows us to determine what prompted this situation. We can’t understand that there are people with so much trouble”.
“I think that’s the case with the most broken silobags. I haven’t heard of a similar case. Also in our case, with the wickedness with which they did it, breaking interspersed silo bags, then you have to remove the healthy bags to remove the broken ones. The movements of cereals will be much greater than those in the bags”, concluded the referent of the Cooperative which has more than 570 member producers and offers a wide variety of services and supplies.
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