Tegucigalpa, March 9. Several United Nations agencies celebrated this Thursday the approval of an executive decree that allows the free use and marketing of the emergency contraceptive pill (EAP) in Honduras as a measure to guarantee access to sexual health and reproduction of women.

“We welcome the government’s decision to approve the emergency contraceptive pill (EAP) as a step towards the full guarantee of human rights and access to sexual and reproductive health for women in Honduras”, said the United Nations system in a message on the social network Twitter.

Honduran President Xiomara Castro on Wednesday signed the executive agreement that allows “the free use and commercialization of the EAP” in the country.

In a second message, the UN system noted that “a careful review of the evidence shows that emergency contraceptive pills are safe, do not cause abortion or harm future fertility, as they prevent pregnancy. preventing or delaying ovulation”. an abortion.

The UN also celebrated the approval in Honduras of the comprehensive law on education to prevent teenage pregnancies, which will “ensure universal access to information on sexual and reproductive health”.

Under the de facto regime of Roberto Micheletti, who replaced former President Manuel Zelaya after the June 28, 2009 coup, a decree was approved that prohibits and penalizes the use of ECPs, on the grounds that contraception urgency is abortifacient, which feminist organizations have repeatedly rejected.

In 1999, Honduras approved the over-the-counter sale of the nonprescription morning-after pill, and in the same year regulated its use in comprehensive care standards for women.


The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (Oacnudh) congratulated the Honduran President for the signing of the agreement which “guarantees and promotes the promotion, use, access, sale and purchase free” of the pill.

“The internationally recognized human rights of women include the rights to equality, dignity, autonomy, information, bodily integrity and privacy, as well as the highest standard of possible health, including sexual and reproductive health,” Oacnudh said in a statement.

He added that equality in reproductive health includes “access, without discrimination, to affordable, quality contraceptives, as well as emergency contraception.”

The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) also celebrated the “historic act of justice” which involves approving the free use and sale of the emergency pill in the Central American country.

“We celebrate this historic act of justice that restores an important right of women to the DAF, UNFPA applauds President Xiomara Castro and Minister José Matheu,” the UN agency said.

Approval of the executive order has sparked controversy in Honduras, where the Catholic Church considers ECPs an abortion and feminist organizations say it will help prevent unwanted pregnancies. EFE

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