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Globe Live Media, Friday, January 29, 2021

A group of researchers has discovered cases of coinfection of two variants of the coronavirus in the same person. It has happened in Brazil, where COVID-19 cases have risen again in recent weeks due to a new wave of the pandemic. The results have been published this Thursday, after a study carried out by the National Laboratory for Scientific Computing, linked to the Ministry of Science and Technology, verifying that it is possible for the same person to be infected with several mutation of the virus at the same time.

The results came after a genetic study with samples from 92 patients in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in the south of the country. After analyzing the samples, two of them presented cases of coinfection with several virus mutations, one of them known as E484K, the variant that was found for the first time in South Africa.

However, at the moment there is no known increased risk with the disease, in fact, patients who had this coinfection “They had a mild to moderate COVID-19 picture and recovered without the need for hospitalization”, the experts indicated in a statement collected by Globe Live Media. Despite not knowing a greater ‘danger’ of this coinfection, Scientists do warn that it is a “worrying” situation. And it is that, in this coinfection, genomes of different mutations that could result in an evolution of the coronavirus are mixed.

They detect a new variant, but another disappears

Experts report that, in the state in which the coinfection cases were detected, up to “five lineages” of coronavirus circulate, one of them considered as new and that has received the name of VUI-NP13L. Rio Grande do Sul is the fifth stage with the most cases of COVID-19, since the beginning of the pandemic 36,746 infected and 10,512 deaths have been reported.

Despite the detection of a new variant of the coronavirus, the same study confirms the “generalized spread in this region” of the E484K variant that had been detected last month in Rio de Janeiro and increased concern around the world. In fact, many countries limited the entry of flights due to this mutation that was recorded as more contagious.

“That is worrisome, as it is known that this mutation may be associated with an escape of antibodies formed against other variants of the virus “, explains Professor Fernando Spilki, from the Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology at Feevale University, who has also participated in the research. For Spilki, the E484K dissemination is “Further evidence that these new variants can cause problems even in people who have prior immunity.”

The new variant of the Amazon worries

Among these five ‘lineages’ that circulate in the Brazilian state, the country’s scientists they remain pending of a new variants detected in the state of Amazonas in recent weeks -was detected earlier this month by Japanese authorities. It is a mutation that has already caused a considerable number of infected, which has caused a new collapse in the region’s hospitals. The situation is worrying given the lack of oxygen cylinders for the most serious patients. This variant has already been detected in eight different countries.

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