In the town of La Huerta, located in the municipality of San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuatoelements of the local public security secretariat found the lifeless body of an element of the National Guard inside the trunk of a car. According to initial reports, he had multiple gunshot wounds.

The officer was identified as Ephraim “N”23-year-old, who was an active agent with 94 Company and who, when located by authorities, was wearing a Secretary of National Defense uniform (sedena).
This observation was possible after the transfer of three people to “N” marks, 20, to the General Hospital of San Miguel de Allende to receive medical attention for the beatings he had received. However, at the time of his admission to the hospital, he no longer had vital signs. He was also a member of Company 94 GN.
According to the people who took the young man to the medical unit, he was assaulted in La Huerta. After the report, security officers moved to the area and saw the white KIA Forte vehicle —model 2021, with license plates GVY185E and no theft report—in which the body of Efraín “N” was found.

Several 5.56mm cartridge cases, commonly used by semi-automatic rifles such as the AR-15, were also found at the site.
Likewise, local media published the preliminary version that Efraín “N”, Marcos “N” and another member of the National Guard, identified as Pablo “N” 24 years oldwere intercepted by armed men on a dirt road in the town.
Efraín was reportedly shot inside the vehicle and later his attackers transferred his body to the trunk of the unit. On the other hand, it is assumed that Marcos allegedly attacked outside the car.
Reports issued by the detachment of Comfortto which the three men in uniform were attached, clarified that Pablo “N” has disappearedThere is no information about his fate.

In January 2023, the state governor, Diego Sinhue Rodriguez Vallejoratified the presence of federal forces in the entity for the “global strengthening of the security strategy”, which involved the joint participation of the National Guard, the Mexican army, the State Secretariat for Public Security and the municipal police in surveillance operations.
The arrival of the military in the state reflected that “Guanajuato is the federal entity that is the subject of special attention by the federal governmentin order to strengthen security and preserve an environment of peace and development for the benefit of citizens,” said General Enrique García Jaramillo, Commander of the XVI Military Zone, during an event in the municipality of León.
Added to this, the military command added that Guanajuato had received the support of about three thousand elements of the army and the GN, but that the number could increase up to seven thousand soldiers “when the situation warrants”.

In recent years, the population of Guanajuato has been affected by the multiple waves of violence triggered by the territorial dispute maintained by criminal groups such as the Jalisco Nueva Generación Cartel (CJNG) and the Santa Rosa de Lima cartel (CSRL).
In this context, two towns in Guanajuato are among the 50 most violent in the worldaccording to the latest ranking from the Citizen Council for Public Safety and Criminal Justice, based on the homicide rate.
Celaya was in sixth position with a rate of 99.64 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants, while León ranked 38.