Trujillo become one of the provinces most affected by the presence of Cyclone Yaku which intensified the rainy in the north of the country and ended up causing the activation of the ravines of San Ildefonso, El León and San Carlos. The city ended up covered in mud by the huaicos and with huge puddles on the ground, uninhabitable houses and several streets impassable due to the advancing mud and water.

The people of this part of Peru felt like they were repeating what they had experienced in March 2017, when a avalanche it flooded the historic center of the city and various housing estates in the neighborhoods of El Porvenir, Florencia de Mora and Víctor Larco Herrera. That year, water also flowed from the Ravine of San Ildefonsowhich collapsed due to heavy rain caused by The coastal child.
The images taken after the slide showed the difficult situation that the people of Trujillo are going through, largely because of the responsibility of Cyclone Yaku. The situation escalated into tragedy, after confirming the first fatality from the landslide: Congratulations Antonia Azañero Sanchez50 years old, died in his house in sector 7 of El Milagro.

Among the thousands of infrastructures affected by the mudslide, the mansiche stadium de Trujillo, where the matches of the Ligue 1 championship are played, has attracted the attention of citizens. The football venue was left in a terrible state, which led to the suspension of the match between Mannucci and the Technological University of Cajamarca (UTC)scheduled for Sunday, March 12.
Inside, the Mansiche stadium seemed flooded, with its passageways full of water with land and his property badly damaged. Outside there was a lot of mud on the tracks and huge puddles.
To date, La Libertad, the region to which Trujillo belongs, has reported – according to data from the Regional Center for Emergency Operations (COER)– That this new landslide left more than four thousand homeless, almost 16 thousand people affected, at least five thousand houses affected, 771 collapsed and 283 uninhabitable.

Mayor of Victor Larco, Enrique Leon Clement, questioned the lack of concern of the authorities of the previous district to prevent these events from having a greater impact. The regional governor Caesar Acuna He also regretted that the prevention work had not been carried out and that the tragedy could have been avoided.
Furthermore, the progress of the work carried out by the Authority for Reconstruction with Changes (ARCC) is minimal: 10% in San Ildefonso and San Carlos, and 13% in El León, according to what its director reported during her last visit to FreedomRosmary Cornejo Valdivia.

After the damage caused by the mudslide, many families in Trujillo managed to remove the mud and dirty water from their humble homes, with buckets and any type of container. Several even barefoot and with their pants rolled up tried to save their homes, although in many cases without much success.
Markets, parks and squares were also affected. Traders have been caught saving their stalls, amid their desperation.