The call of Argentine Agrarian Federation (FAA) to hold an assembly of producers on February 28 in the vicinity of the Santa Fe neighborhood of Villa Constitución, added the adherence of the rest of the rural entities that make up the Link table. To the statement made yesterday in support of the protest by the Argentine Rural Society (SRA), they joined today Argentinian rural confederations (ARC) y Coninagro. All this in the midst of the negative effects of the drought and the malaise that exists among producers due to the official policy towards the sector.
In the midst of a dramatic drought, the countryside is mobilizing again
The Argentine Agrarian Federation has called an Open Assembly of Producers for February 28. The rest of the Liaison Table have been invited. The unease due to the lack of measures to deal with the drought and the effect of withholding taxes and the evolution of the exchange rate
The management of the CRA expressed through a press release that, “in view of the real situation of the Argentine producers, which in addition to the macroeconomic problems are added to the very serious damage caused by the drought, all this shows that It’s time to make real, concrete and useful decisions, such a crisis can only be met with patches, announcements and bureaucracy”. In addition, they stressed that “we agree on the reasons invoked by said mobilization and we will participate in it with all these producers, who believe that their present is unsustainable and that they deserve a completely different horizon”.
“The situation is critical and the governments of the three levels of the state must respond to each claim and find concrete solutions to resolve this crisis.”, they said of the ARC, and advanced the most important and urgent points that they will ask. It is a question of: Putting in place real mechanisms that lift the tax seat on the producers affected; suspension of income taxes, tax executions and blocking of accounts, constraints in banks. and embargoes; carry out comprehensive and progressive tax reform; eliminate the exchange differential; establish a plan for the elimination of export duties (withholdings); create a Multi-Risk Insurance; modify the emergency law by considering it obsolete; credits that come from the rate of wear generated by the State itself and respond to the problems of regional economies.
To all this, today at a meeting of the Board of Directors, Coninagro has also decided to join the assembly and mobilization next week. “We cannot but agree with the serious situation that our producers are facing due to the policies that this government is carrying out such as (inflation, high tax burden and delays and exchange rate discrepancy. All this has added to the critical situation to which the bad weather has exposed us, both the Pampean economies (cereals, livestock and dairy products) and the regional economies.In addition, the absence of responses to requests for tax relief and credit support to alleviate the serious situation, which will affect not only the producers, but our cooperatives and the economies of the cities of the interior, “said the president of the entity to this media Elbio Laucirica.
Dollar 3 soybeans, drought, avian flu and why the government does not have “the paw above” the producers: definitions by the Secretary of Agriculture, Juan José Bahillo
The Secretary of Agriculture gave an exclusive interview to GlobeLiveMedia. He spoke about the current situation of the agricultural sector, its relations with the leaders, the possibility of launching a new soybean dollar and the measures that have been taken to contain the avian flu and the drought.
Yesterday in statements to the press, the chairman of the SRA, Nicholas Pinosays that “the the situation is becoming more and more critical and the national, provincial and municipal governments must provide answers to each request and certain solutions to solve this crisis. We need not only measures for the situation, but also fundamental changes such as the elimination of withholding taxes and different exchange rates”.
In the mentioned adhesions of the producing entities, of the productive interior, a significant number of declarations were pronounced in favor of the appeal launched by the Argentine Agrarian Federation, among which the Rural Society of Río Cuartothere Rural Society of Rosariohe group of rural societies in the north of the province of Buenos Aires, Santa Fe and the Argentine Association of Agricultural Producersamong other sectors.
The Liaison Table has again requested a tax exemption for people affected by the drought
The proposal was made yesterday by technicians from the Liaison Table during a meeting with officials from the Ministry of Agriculture. They also called for the previously announced measures to reach producers directly.
On the other hand, the Cordoba Link Table announced its participation in the meeting of February 28, with the aim of “discussing, demonstrating and making visible freely and in peace, our situation in the face of the events that affect us in terms of climate. Government response times to which the bureaucracy installed plus an electoral calendar that in no way coincides with the productive cycles that we have to face, dilute the few palliatives announced”.
And they added: “All this without ceasing to be aware that the first distortion is caused by multiple exchange rates with a regressive regime and a high fiscal pressure, which anchors us and stops any possibility of thinking about a future of real investment and development, according to what our potential could support, after our family businesses and all of Argentina”.
To all this, the Independence Groupone of the sectors that organized the semi-trailer to Plaza de Mayo last year, pointed out in a document that “it seems very important that at least one entity becomes aware of the manipulation that the national government has had with the agricultural sector in its more than 3 years of management, during which only the entities have been summoned to be present in the announcement of unconsulted and insufficient measures, but never to discuss a real Development Plan They also expressed their support for the assembly and recalled that they continue to promote demands for the unification of the exchange rate, the elimination of the withholding tax regime, the reduction and optimization of expenditure public.
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