It has been a busy week for TransMilenio, a company which, between Monday March 6 and Tuesday March 7, received visits from several Central American countries invited by the Inter-American Development Bank (OFFER), seven mayors from Brazil and an Indian delegation from the World Resources Institute (WRI, for its acronym in English), a global research organization that works with governments, businesses, multilateral institutions and civil society.

International visitors have come to Bogotá to see firsthand the operation and management of electromobility than TransMilenio SA., as managing entity, leads the city to guarantee the supply of the service of an Integrated Public Transport System, in its main and zonal components, to approximately four million users per day.
“We received delegations from India, Brazil and Central America interested in TransMilenio as a benchmark for public transport in the world. We are happy to share this information so that more cities join in making these public transport decisions that Bogotá has been making for more than 20 years,” the general manager of TransMilenio SA said on Monday, March 6. Orlando Santiago cells.
According to WRI, the system around the TransMilenio that the city of Bogotá has is an example at regional and global level in terms of the operation of massive and ecologically sustainable transport thanks to its current electric fleet composed of 1,485 busesthe second in Latin America.
“These visits are fundamental because they allow sharing experiences, not only to learn from other countries, but to share the great achievements of TransMilenio in terms of operations, electric buses and infrastructure growth,” said Felipe Ramírez, director of urban mobility at WRI. .
Likewise, representatives from Brazil and El Salvador highlighted the scale of the system and confirmed that they will apply various operational and social techniques of TransMilenio SA in the transportation models of their home cities.
“The experience is fantastic because urban mobility is one of the great challenges of all cities in Brazil. We have managed to bring ideas and experiences to Brazil, even TransMilenio has offered the possibility of giving us technical advice so that we can integrate Brazilian solutions with those carried out in Bogotá”, commented Duarte Nogueira, mayor of the state. of Ribeirao Preto, in São Paulo, Brazil.
For his part, according to Nelson Reyes, Deputy Minister of Transport of The Savior, TransMilenio “is a collective and efficient transport system. We got to know the whole operation of La Rolita. For us, it is important to make this type of progress in the countries of Latin Americaadded Deputy Minister Reyes.
Punto aparte, el martes 7 de marzo una delegación del sector transporte de Buenos Aires, y uno de su principal aliados des de Francia, visitaron las installations de TransMiCable, en Ciudad Bolívar, para conocer de primera mano el modelo de funcionamiento y operación del Sistema, with the end of learn the techniques used and strengthen the entire mass public transport service in this city.
One of the main points that the District explained to the delegation from the Argentine capital was the policy of sustainable mobility and placed special emphasis on projects and programs associated with the Carrera Septima Green Corridor, “Vital neighborhoods”, school mobility, strategies associated with the reinforcement of cycling infrastructure, fleet of electric buses and gender approach in these processes.
“We did this study trip to Bogotá to learn more about the solutions they have in terms of urban transport and sustainable mobility. It was quite an experience and very new for us, we found all the integration that exists in the transport system and the single ticket very interesting. We were also interested in including the population of these neighborhoods through zero-emission transportcommented Pierre-Gilles Saby, Head of Cooperation at CODATU, based in Buenos Aires.
Among the international entities that have visited Bogotá are the City Housing Institute (IVC), the Ministry of Public Space and Urban Hygiene (MEPHU), the Ministry of Transport and Public Works (SECTOP ) and the French organization Cooperation for the Development and Improvement of Urban and Periurban Transport (CODATU), which promotes sustainable urban mobility policies.