The popular Morning deceased this Friday, March 10 due to kidney failure. The 65-year-old Peruvian singer has been admitted to the National Institute of Neoplastic Diseases. “He has a minimal life expectancy,” said his wife Gladys Lupinta at this moment.

José Abelardo Gutierrez ‘Morning’ He was rushed to the clinic in late December 2022, after suffering a drop in blood pressure. Since then, doctors have been evaluating his state of health. However, his family and friends said his prognosis was guarded.
As Lupinta mentioned on that occasion, Morning had undergone a delicate operation to remove a tumor. Even if everything went well, a generalized infection took him back to the clinic. “The masses are infected. He was fine, but he ate little… I just ask you to pray for Abelardo,” he told the Trome newspaper.

Jose Abelardo Gutierrez AlanyaThe popular MorningHe suffered from diabetes. This disease caused him several imbalances throughout his later years. “I don’t even wish my worst enemy had diabetes,” he said many years ago when the show ended in tears.Oh my God‘.
In a video posted on his YouTube channel, Morning confessed that he suffered from emotional diabetes, a condition that worsened when stressed. “My illness is getting worse because of all the slander and evil they are doing against me,” he said on one occasion, referring to the legal mess he was in. Juan Carlos Sotil Toledo.

In August 2021, ‘Tongue‘ denounced an alleged Medical negligence at the kidney health center. She said a nurse forgot to pack a hot water bottle she put on her feet when she was receiving treatment for diabetes suffering.
“It’s sad to be in bed not knowing if I’ll be able to walk again. I got blisters on my feet, my feet got infected, then the soles of my feet turned black, they had to extract the dead tissue and put skin grafts in there,” he told El Popular at the time. Morning He confessed his fear of having his legs amputated.
Again, her health was compromised in October 2021. Her daughter Cint Gutierrez announced that his father was hospitalized intensive care unit (USI) of Archbishop Loayza Hospital. After 20 days of anguish, he was released.

As a result of diabetes, Tongo developed end-stage renal failure. In 2019, his health fell into critical condition and he sought help from his followers. “I gave everything for Peru, now I ask you to help me, with all my heart. Don’t let me die,” commented the popular singer, who urgently requested the kidney donation to survive.
“I always felt pain in my heart, pain in my back and my head. I told the doctors that I had pain in my back, in the part of the kidneys. I ask you now to be patient. I’m still going to get ahead to keep enjoying my music, they always want to hurt me, I don’t know why. I only rely on God“, he expressed through tears in the show Lady Guillén.

Finally, and after a hard fight, the singer of ‘La Pituca’ ceased to exist on Friday, March 10, at the age of 55. Since he entered the National Institute of Neoplastic Diseases (INEN), his relatives have indicated that his health was very delicate, due to the three diseases that afflicted him: diabetes, kidney failure and cancer.
“Forever in my heart, beloved husband, lifelong partner, I must accept your departure, even if my heart breaks, rest in peace, my husband Abelardo Gutierrez Alanya ‘TONGO'”, he wrote. Gladys Lupinta on his Facebook account, thus confirming the departure of the artist.