love squared again is a sequel to this romantic comedy that premiered in 2021 and features the character of Monika (Adrianna Chlebicka), a teacher who also works as a model under the name Klaudia. This film has just been added to the Netflix catalog and has managed to position itself as one of the most viewed releases on the platform.
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squared love (the first film) told how this woman led her double life to repay her father’s debts. During a photo shoot, he meets Enzo, a womanizer who is forced to participate in the announcement at the insistence of his boss and lover, Alicja. During filming, things go from bad to worse and the two models become bitter enemies. But in the end, these two fall in love.
This sequel begins with Monika teaching and returning on vacation with Enzo, who has just been fired from his job. Meanwhile, the woman is interviewed by Rafal who asks her uncomfortable questions and she manages to respond with haughtiness to each of his provocations. The ratings skyrocket, and then the producers decide that both would work well in front of the cameras. This is how a proposal comes to him: to animate a talent contest for children of which they are the representatives. While Enzo is unemployed, Monika succeeds in all her activities, related to the world of children.
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love squared again is a classic romantic comedy that wanders between romantic relationships, success, fear of failure, and the opportunities that arise in life that lead everyone down a certain path. But at what cost.
Even so, love is not breathed into the air of this movie, but ends up being a debt to those who choose this title in search of a good dose of love. The love triangle in which Monika finds herself between these two men never ceases to convince the viewer that at least she expects wacky or comical situations, which clearly never happen.
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Will Monika stick with her love from the first movie or go for this new boy? Despite this, the film works by showing a country that may be culturally and geographically distant, such as Poland. And it also raises interesting questions like the role of women and men in this 21st century, where both have managed to deconstruct themselves.
The film was directed by Filio Zylber and has a running time of 1 hour and 40 minutes. You can see squared love there love squared again on the Netflix platform.
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