After carrying out an epidemiological investigation, the National Food Hygiene, Safety and Quality Service (Senasica) detected the AH5N1 avian influenza virus outbreak In three farms in the state of aguascalientes. Accordingly, they have implemented quarantine and will strengthen surveillance to prevent the spread of the pathogen to other regions.

According to the official report, the three broiler farms were located in the municipalities of Aguascalientes, as well as Asientos and Rincรณn de Romos. In order to avoid dispersal, the Directorate General for Animal Health (DGSA) imposed a permanent quarantine in the three poultry production units which housed 826 thousand 800 birds.
There AH5N1 flu, also known as avian flu, It is considered highly pathogenic, that is, it has a high chance of causing disease with strong and severe symptoms in the host. In addition, it can spread quickly, so there is a risk of causing high death rates in different species of Yes.

According to the Pan American Health Organization (OPS), most avian influenza viruses they are not zoonotic, that is, they cannot be easily transmitted between animals and humans. However, some highly pathogenic strains may have the ability to spread to peopleso they represent “a threat to public health”.
The main route of transmission from birds to humans is direct or indirect contact with infected animals. However, there is also the spread of the virus through contact with environments or surfaces contaminated with feces, as well as the handling of carcasses and the preparation of birds for consumption.
In this sense, some of the measures implemented by the veterinarians of the United States-Mexico Commission for the prevention of foot-and-mouth disease and other animal diseases (CPA) consist of depopulation, cleaning and disinfection of the three farms to comply with the crawl space and, later, to know how safe it is to return to house new bird populations later.
Information under development*