Nine out of ten complaints of violent treatment inflicted by police officers on women have not been dealt with by law enforcement in England and Wales over a six-month period, according to a report released Tuesday by the National Council of Chiefs of Police (NPCC).
Between October 2021 and March 2022, this council, which represents chief constables from various law enforcement agencies in the UK, observed that 1,539 officers were implicated in alleged acts of violence against women and girls.
In most cases, law enforcement has failed to take action against officers accused of violent attitudes towards women and girls, according to this NPCC report, which highlights that the actual numbers could be even higher. students.
Among the complaints are the use of force, harassment and, to a lesser extent, sexual assaultpoints out the NPCC, and admits that only one agent involved in a hundred has been fired.

This analysis was carried out after the discovery of cases of aggression by police officers, including that of Sarah Everardthe young Briton who was raped and murdered by Constable Wayne Couzensof the Metropolitan Police in London, in March 2021.
“We need to be tougher with the penalties we impose on anyone who is reported to be engaging in this type of behavior,” the deputy police chief said. Maggie BlythNPCC coordinator for violence against women and girls.
“Our release today reinforces the urgency and importance of our continued mission to root out abusers and corrupt individuals from the police,” he added.

Blyth mentioned as complaints, in addition to strength, sexual comments, authoritarian behavior and sexual assault.
“The vast majority of officers and staff are professional and committed, but I know it’s shocking to hear about potential predators in the police force,” he said.
Police chiefs hope to release such statistics each year as part of efforts to misogyny in police activity after the Sarah Everard case, which caused a loud scandal UK.
(With information from EFE)
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