Risaralda police have captured four men accused of abusing several minors in the municipality of Santa Rosa. Three of the men were relatives of his victims: father, uncle and stepfather. The other was a close family friend of one of the victims. Those captured were handed over to the competent authorities for prosecution.
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It was the spectacular operation to capture alias “Vallejo”, the heir to the “Cuchillo” paramilitaries in the south of the country
The criminal detainee in Meta, Guaviare and Vichada, was made available to the competent authority
The police commander of Risaralda, Colonel Simón Eduardo Cornejo, warned that similar operations are underway in other municipalities in the department.
“These people have a bond of trust and authority in the environment where the victims lived. At the moment, we are deploying this operation in other municipalities to apprehend other people responsible for crimes against children and adolescents.
Colonel Cornejo pointed out that the complaints of relatives triggered the investigations that led to the capture of the four men.
In the first case, the inmate allegedly committed violent sexual acts with a minor under the age of 14 between 2018 and November 2022. The minor was 10 years old when she began to be abused. The subject is the minor’s stepfather. It was his aunt who denounced the man. This is stated in the Risaralda police report quoted by The weather:
At that time, she decided to tell about the events that her father-in-law did with her in the communes of Marseilles and Santa Rosa while they took care of the farms and worked there. Subsequently, his aunt filed a complaint.
The second captured, according to what could be established in the investigations, would have committed violent sexual acts on two children under 14 years of age. According to the police report, this happened in 2022. The victims were 9 and 12 years old. One of them was the captured man’s daughter-in-law. According to information from The weather, the man had been, at the time of the events, under house arrest since 2019 for the crimes of homicide, attempted homicide and trafficking, manufacture and possession of firearms. The house-to-jail measure was granted after serving 12 years in prison.
“The minor under the age of 9 informs her mother that while she was going to stay with her friend (another minor under the age of 12) the stepfather touched and abused her. Likewise, the minor -daughter of the aggressor’s romantic partner- was asked if she had experienced similar situations with the detainee and declared that for a few months he had committed abusive acts with her.
In the third case, the events also occurred in 2022, more precisely in April. The victim is a minor under the age of 12 who is the niece of the partner of her alleged attacker, who according to the authorities’ report “took advantage of the opportunity to be alone with the minor to take her by force and thus touching and sexually abusing her.” .
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This is the evidence that led to the arrest of former prosecutor Ana Catalina Noguera
Noguera, daughter of the former rector of Sergio Arboleda University, Rodrigo Noguera, will be presented before a magistrate of the Bogotá court. There will be the prosecutor Mario Burgos who imputes his accusations
Finally, the fourth captured must answer in court for alleged violent sexual acts against his own daughter, who got her drunk and then abused her in 2021. This is how the minor’s complaint is reported in the report of the Risaralda police quoted by The weather:
“The minor reported that she was at her father’s house and he gave her alcohol; Later, she felt unwell (helpless) and vomited, so she went to bed alone in a bedroom. When she woke up she found that the clothes she was wearing were below her knees, her bra was above her breasts and her father was sitting on the edge of the bed touching her .