More than 100 families They have already sent in their applications to adopt a group of four brothers, aged 6, 8, 10 and 13, who had been looking for a long time to find a home that would keep them together. as he could know GlobeLiveMediaapplications for the joint adoption of the children were presented within the framework of the public call launched in December by the National Civil Court of First Instance 102 of the City of Buenos Aires, which remains in force until the next March 16.
The search for justice was reproduced by the Council for the Rights of Girls, Boys and Adolescents of Buenos Aires (CDNNA) -the organization in charge of adoptions at CABA- which, through a statement explained the importance of the bond that unites the four brothers and provided details on the terms of adoption: “It is important that those who apply are available to provide them with an environment of care, affection and support, respecting their uniqueness.”
In dialogue with this medium, Ezequiel DubarryCNDN’s communications director, said that once the call is closed, the next step is to start working with the more than 100 families who have sent in their applications to adopt and receive the children at home: “D’ first, the work involved send information to all candidatesconcrete information on what adoption is, beyond the formal requirements, but rather on the way in which the life of a person or a family group who adopts is transformed, both for him and for the children” .
“Then there’s an interdisciplinary team that works with all the applicants to assess the family background to find the most suitable, and then start matching them with those brothers,” he said.
However, Dubarry warned that “it is not enough that someone wants to adopt and can”, because one of the most important factors when choosing the future home is the relationship that has previously developed between the children. and the family. “As in any adoption case, if there is no compatibility between the adopting family and the siblings, there is obviously no progress. Priority is always given to the childin the four boys,” he explained.
“At the same time, from the Council, the Justice is informed, the Court which intervenes, so that it is on the subject, the reports of the evaluations and the decision of the family which ends up being chosen to start with the link are sent. In case everything is positive and this whole process is finished, the Court will define whether it moves forward legally with the adoption or not. This is important to know because In all cases of adoption, regardless of the work carried out by CDNNA professionals, the ultimate definition is always in the hands of Justice.“, concluded the director of the entity.
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In the statement, the court provided details about the characteristics of each of the siblings seeking adoption. “The eldest is attentive and sympathetic, he maintains extremely positive relationships with both his peers and adults. He is very fond of playing football; and actively participates in a team in a club where he was chosen as captain. He stands out above all in the performance of said sport, showing responsibility and dedication in said field. He is in the 7th year of primary school, which he attends with marked enthusiasm and commitment, standing out as an excellent student, much loved by his classmates and teachers,” they explained.
“The 10-year-old sister enjoys dancing, listening to music and playing board games. dramatizations and roles. He generally participates with pleasure in the recreational activities offered by the Foyer. Regarding the sibling bond, he strongly refers to his older brother, and maintains a bond of protection for the youngest daughter. He attends the 5th year of primary school, where he has a very favorable performance, highlighting his commitment to the learning process and his ability to establish positive connections,” the text continues.
In addition, with regard to children under the age of 8, the judge indicates: “He’s nice, he’s usually cheerful and good-humored. The relationship with his brothers and sisters is very positive, especially the bond with his older brother stands out, who is an important reference for him, and with whom he shares a taste for football. He attends the 3rd year of primary school, where he stands out for his good performance and camaraderie. He has a marked ability to establish meaningful emotional bonds, both with the adults who care for him and with his peers”.
“The youngest daughter is very sociable and talkative, both with their peers and with adults. Take advantage of the activities offered at the Foyer, in particular the plastic arts. She has a very close bond with her older sister,” the court statement added.
To submit an application as an adoptive family, it is necessary to send the proposal to the email address, with the data of each of the interested parties. “It is important that those who come forward are available to offer them an environment of care, affection and confinement, while respecting their singularities,” they reported.
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