With the current scenario of inflation, rising interest rates and economic uncertainty, the real estate sector it is one of the most sensitive and this affects housing prices.
To find out if the price of a house is worth itthere are several systems through which we can verify it, since the portal specializing in housing Idealista collects information.
First, we can compare with the sale price of similar houses in the area. We can always turn to properties to help you know the approximate prices.
If you want to be more exhaustive, you can resort to an appraiser, a qualified technician who, in person, analyzes the floor and taking into account other factors, establishes a price.
There is also a method called PER(Price/earnings ratio). It is used to assess the sale price of the property and to know the profitability that could be obtained if it were rented out. For that The sale price is divided by the annual rent. If the result is less than 15, it is considered an attractive prize. If it exceeds 20, it is considered expensive.
Other Factors to Consider are the cadastral value and the market value is essential to know the estimated price of a house. You should try to sell above the cadastral value, as this only takes into account objective values, therefore the market value of the apartment will be higher (it is recommended that the cadastral value be 50% of the market value ) . The market value takes as a reference temporary factors such as demand, area or economic situation.