Sports University receives on Saturday March 18 at ADT in the Monumental ‘U’ Marathon Stadium and the ‘creams’ They are already announcing that to date, Wednesday 15, 20,000 tickets have been sold for the comparison corresponding to the ninth date of the 2023 Opening Tournament Since League 1.
The good results obtained recently both in local competition and in South American Cup They have aroused even more interest among supporters to acquire tickets to accompany those led by the coach Jorge Fossati. Ticket prices range from S/. 12 soles (popular north and south) and S/. 120 soles (black seat).
The amounts offered by the ‘merengues’ are more than double those offered by the classic rival Lima Covenant. For example, for the duel against Cusco FC on Saturday March 11, the cheapest ticket cost S/. 29.90 soles, while the one with the highest value was 219.90.
Faced with the inevitable comparison of values imposed by each institution, the legal adviser of Sports University, Adrian Gilabert – close to the temporary administrator John Ferrari-, explained via his Twitter account the reason why they set the prices to see the ‘U’ in front of the Tarma Sports Association.
“For a long time, the ‘U’ fan was abused. When things went wrong, they never turned their backs today that we are in marked improvement we cannot take advantage of the moment and punish the fan“wrote the lawyer in the first instance.
The lawyer pointed out that they are still working to retain fans and are attending every game in droves to see the first team. “The family is going back to court. Grandparents, parents and grandchildren form the more than 45,000 “souls” who gather at the ‘monu’. Nights at the Monument are truly magical and demonstrate our greatness”.
Finally, Gilabert pointed out that each fan’s economy is different and the ticket value was designed for those on a lower budget. “Let’s not forget that football is a popular sport and everyone should have the opportunity to go there. Maybe for twenty soles it’s too little, but for others it’s not the case.. Let’s think about this brother ‘cream’, let’s continue like this, together until the end! When I was in college, I collected coins to go to the stadium to see the ‘U’. We must never forget where we come from, because someone is here today,” he concluded.
The costs imposed by the student team translated into good income for their coffers, because according to official figures, in only four matches organized with the public at the Monumental stadium, there ‘U’ earned a box office revenue of 9,773,098 nuevos solescounting subscribers. The amount which is approximately 10 million corresponds to an attendance of more than 170,000 fans.
The registered duels are the ‘Cream Night’ against Aucas, the classic against Lima Covenantin addition to matches against FBC Melgar (League 1) and Cienciano (South American Cup). Remember that the match against Academia Cantolao was played behind closed doors.
According to official figures from the professional football leagueAte’s team brought, during Ligue 1 2022, a total of 402,357 fans in their home duels, being the club with the highest number of participants last year, but not the one who collected any the most, since this title was won by Alianza Chaux.