UNITED STATES assured that Russia’s suspension of the nuclear agreement New Beginning III is “legally invalid”, pointing out that the US response to the Russian invasion of Ukraine does not relieve the Kremlin of its responsibility to meet its treaty obligations.
“Russia’s failure to comply with the new start and its alleged suspension of the treaty are unfortunate and irresponsible steps.“, said the US State Department in a statement, noting that mutual respect for the treaty strengthens the global security.
Noting that Russia’s suspension is “legally invalid,” Washington reminded Moscow that it remained obligated to authorize nuclear weapons inspectionsto notify every movement of their forces, or to assemble at the Bilateral Advisory Commission (BCC).
He state department He assured that, although Russia has not had any significant activity beyond what is stipulated in the treaty in 2022, “the fact that Russia does not authorize inspections and does not provide notifications degrades the ability of the United States to assess the Russian nuclear deployments”
According to a statement released by the State Department, Russia that it can “easily fix” its violation by resuming the activities it has been carrying out for years under the treaty: Perform inspections, meet at the BCC and provide notifications and data.
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“The United States was willing to work constructively with Russia. during the BCC session scheduled for November 2022, which Russia abruptly canceled. Contrary to Kremlin claims, all issues Russia identified for discussion were on the agenda,” the State Department text read.
the russian president Vladimir Poutine announced at the end of February that all exchanges of information within the framework of the new star they were suspended, in accordance with the decision to freeze Moscow’s participation in the pact.
Washington and Moscow have extended the New Start in 2021 for a period of five years. The treaty aims limit the deployment of intercontinental nuclear weapons by both parties, allowing for frequent checks of each country’s programs by the other party. The agreement allows Washington and Moscow to deploy up to 700 intercontinental ballistic missiles and 1,550 nuclear warheads on these missiles.
If the treaty were terminated or expired without renewal, the nuclear arsenals of the world’s two largest nuclear powers would be unlimited for the first time since the 1970s, at the height of the Cold War, and neither side would be able to control the arsenal on the contrary.
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Moscow stressed weeks ago that it could only resume Start “if the United States reconsidered its attitude towards Russia”.
“We will maintain contact with the Americans if necessary. We cannot say that we have significant results. But Moscow does not reject dialogue, we are open to it“said the Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Sergei Ryabkov.
(With information from EFE and Europa Press)
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