“We’ll give this a shot”. one of the strong men PRO recognized before GlobeLiveMedia that the project strengthen federal criminal justice in Santa Fe would be one of the few subjects that can currently be build consensus to unblock the semi-paralysis of Congress.
The initiative, which bears the signatures of all Santa Fe deputies, including those of PRO, UCR, FDT and Socialism, proposes, among other things, the creation of 13 federal prosecutor positions, 4 defense offices and 6 courts federal in different cities of the province. It also aims to create 6 federal criminal judge positions with review functions.
In this way, it will be possible to adapt the judicial structure of this province for the implementation of the adversarial system, which is already in force in Salta and Jujuy, to have a “more agile and faster” federal justice. This system, like that in force in the United States, clearly divides judicial and judicial functions between a prosecutor who investigates and accuses, and a judge who decides.
After the political shock that generated the threat suffered by the family of Antonela Roccuzzo, Partner of Lionel Messi, the ruling party has decided to convene a plenary session of the Justice and Criminal Legislation committees to reactivate the project presented last May.
He speech by Alberto Fernández before the Legislative Assembly last Wednesday had aroused strong unease in the oppositionwho interpreted the renewed criticism of the judiciary as confirmation that the government will continue to prioritize the judicial agenda without the intention of seeking a broader consensus “on Argentina’s real problems”.
“It was the message of a finished president. He said nothing about Congress because there are no deep plans. Because if there was a specific line, it needs legislative support. But he has not announced any projects”, analyzes a deputy who aspires to be a candidate for the post of governor. According to his vision, the legislative dynamic for the coming months will be “by impulses and spasms based on specific subjects”.
From the radical bench, they agreed that today “It is very difficult to reach an agreement with the government, with exceptions, such as the crisis in Santa Fe”. They also announced that the opposition will seek to move forward with minority sessions, as will happen with the UVA mortgagors’ project, to “put an end to accusations that the job isn’t being done”.
For the “middle” blocs, such as the Federal, the Liberals and the Left, “there is no more room for the Frente de Todos to impose questions without a broad consensus”. Before the consultation of GlobeLiveMedia, of the federal interbloc, they announced that they would not seek to coordinate their actions with the Frente de Todos but would demand “extended agreements that include more sectors of the opposition”.
The block led by Alejandro “Topo” Rodríguez, with eight seats, retains its faithful central role in the balance, since it is an almost unavoidable piece both for Together for Change and for the Frente de Todos when it comes to is to achieve a quorum. happened last Tuesday with the moratorium on pensions.
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