Through the “Merit and Income Competition Promotion», the Office of the Attorney General of the Nation announced the opening of 1,056 vacant positions, this under the Convention No. 001 of 2023 on the Public Offer of Specialized Career Employment (OPECE), in which professionals, technicians and health professionals can apply from March 27 to April 18, 2023.

This call is accessible to both workers of the pursuit who seek promotion, as new personnel wishing to work with the entity, therefore, under the entry modality, there are 742 vacancies in total, while for promotion there will be 314 vacancies. Each citizen can register for a maximum of two different jobs in the entry modality or one for entry and one for promotion in case they already have career rights in the Attorney General of the Nation.
Those wishing to participate in the call must pay the value of Registration fees each of the jobs requested, according to the hierarchical level to which it corresponds; Payment can be made via the PSE button, which will be located on the payment process microsite, in the registration module or via Banco Popular only during the first five working days after the call is opened. .
To apply for level jobs professional, the payment will be the equivalent of one and a half days of the current legal monthly minimum wage for 2023, or 58,000 COP. While for level jobs technician there charitablethe payment will be one day’s equivalent of the current legal monthly minimum wage for 2023, COP$38,667.
The citizen who wishes to participate in the call, must register on the dates established in the SIDCA2 application so that he has a personal username and password, this so that he can download personal, study or experience documents and thus enroll in one or more of the two jobs offered.
– Be a Colombian citizen.
– In the case of FISCAL jobs, in accordance with the provisions of Article 127 of Law 270 of 1996, it is necessary to be a Colombian citizen by birth.
– Fully accept the rules established in the 001 agreement of 2023.
– Register in the SIDCA2 application.
– Load into the SIDCA2 application all the documentation intended to be applied for the Verification of Minimum Requirements – VRM stage and later in the Background Assessment test – VA. These documents can be downloaded until the closing date for entries and will be taken into account for the one or both (2) jobs for which you decide to participate.
– Pay the registration fee for the job or the two (2) jobs selected.
For officials who are already part of the Attorney General of the Nation and seek to participate within the framework of the ascent modeThe following requirements should be added to applications:
– Be a civil servant benefiting from special career rights at the FGN and hold these rights in the job immediately below that selected.
– Have obtained an exceptional mark during the final performance evaluation corresponding to the 2021 mandate.
– Not having been the subject of a disciplinary or tax sanction in the five (5) years preceding the date of the start of registration.
Registration to participate in this competition will be open from March 27 and until the April 18, so that people who will be able to enter the SIDCA2 application know the minimum requirements (education and experience) for each of the jobs called. The orientation guide for registering and uploading documents will be published before the start of the call.