Despite Pedro Castillo no longer in power Public minister continues its investigations to disentangle the presumed criminal organization which would have been created within the State. Thus, on Tuesday morning, a procedure was carried out by the Special team of prosecutors against corruptionwith the collaboration of the special team of the National Police of Peru (PNP)in the House of Henry Shimabukuro.

The tax intervention in the Shimabukuro house takes place during the investigation of the case “shadow counselors” who would have been gravid while managing Castillo Terrones. It should be noted that this character served as an advisor to the National Intelligence Directorate (DINI) In Government Palace. He was so close to the former president that he visited him in Barbadillo prison on January 12.
Shimabukuro is accused by the pursuit in collusion with Castillo on the acquisition of biodiesel B100 in the case of Petroperu. According to aspiring effective collaborators, this persona and Jose Luis Fernandez Latorreformer head of the DINI, would have received the order of the former president to buy the silence of the former presidential secretary Bruno Pacheco-Castillowho was aware of the alleged favor Samir Abudayeh.
In addition, he also ordered the destruction of mobile phones of aides-de-camp and visiting notebooks, in which would be recorded information linking the former head of state to Abudayeh.

The truth is that beyond his criminal implications, Shimabukuro is free.
On December 2 of last year, the president of the first criminal appeal chamber, Victoria Montoya Peraldocommunicated to the coordinator of the special team of prosecutors against corruption of power, principal prosecutor Marita Barretothe decision to revoke the arrest warrant against the former intelligence adviser.
According to a report by the television program Punto Final, Shimabukuro had in his possession alleged complaints against the National Prosecutor, Patricia Benavides there Marita Barreto, coordinator of the special team of prosecutors against government corruptionwho are investigating the environment of the former Peruvian president.
On October 19 last year, the prosecutors’ special team questioned the former presidential intelligence adviser on how the complaints against the prosecutors were found on his mobile phone, he replied: “Someone tell me gave it away, I don’t remember this folder. “

On the other hand, the Shimabukuro team also had memory and measurement aids.