President Alberto Fernandez today expresses its solidarity with the Minister for Women, Gender and Diversity, Ayelen Mazzina, who was questioned about her sexual orientation by the National Auditor General, Miguel Angel Pichettoand stressed that he is “proud” of the “work he does”.
“Closed minds do not accept the positive transformation that our society has experienced”, The Head of State pointed this out in his account on the social network Twitter in response to a tweet from Mazzina in which he defended himself against the statements of the reference of Ensemble for change in his regard.
“We want more democracy, more rights and more respect for diversity,” supported Fernández, who also remarked that “the dinosaurs will disappear, as Charly García would say”.
In the publication reproduced by the president, Mazzina describes himself as “woman, lesbian, feminist” and invited Pichetto “to talk about ESI when he feels ready”.

In this way, the official was referring to the Comprehensive National Sex Education Curriculum, created by Law 26.150 (2006), which provides for the dictation of ESI in all educational institutions in the country, public and private management, and at all levels, but also surely to mandatory training in gender perspective who determines the Michaela Law 27499 for all members of the three powers of the state.
Then, Mazzina used irony and the popular gif of a visibly disoriented girl – in this case because of Pichetto’s statements – to end her response: “Meanwhile, lesbians who watch Pichetto say we we are not women.”
The controversy was unleashed when the former Peronist senator said -in an interview they conducted on the channel LN+– that “the Ministry for Women has not spoken” on the Lucio affair because this portfolio “is in the hands of a lesbian girl”. And then he started thinking about it: “If it’s the Ministry of Women, they could have put a woman.”
You may be interested: Miguel Ángel Pichetto: “The ministry of women is in the hands of a lesbian girl, they could have put a woman”
Following the commotion generated by his statements, Pichetto published a series of tweets in which he declared that his “intention was to denounce the fact that the Ministry of Women did not repudiate the murder of Lucio Dupuy because that the minister’s sexual orientation coincided with that of the perpetrators of the crime.”

Regarding the crime of Lucio Dupuy, Pichetto defined it as a “tremendous fact” and wondered: “Where was the judge? A lady who also took it from her grandfather”, for which she said that “they should have started a political trial and deported her because she never controlled what happened to the child when she gave it to these two women”.
This Friday at noon, the Court read the sentence of Lucio’s mother, Madeleine Esposito Valentiand your partner, Abigail Peace. Both were sentenced to life imprisonment for aggravated homicide and sexual abuse, in the Páez case.
Finally, he recalled that throughout his political career and, mainly in the Senate, he had voted in favor of “all the equalizations of rights that concern said individual freedom”, for which he shared his speech in the debate for approval of the Equal Marriage Act. During his remarks, he defended the obligation of the State to “guarantee happiness”, as well as the rights to equality and freedom. And he repeated: “I am in favor of everyone exercising freedom in their decisions.”
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