This February 21, in the town of Cosoleacaque, Veracruz were rescued around 40 immigrants. In a press release, the National Guard informed the protection of the aforementioned persons who were transported to cramped conditions inside a truck.

The body of lawyer Luis Emilio Fuster was found in Medellín de Bravo, Veracruz
His disappearance had been reported since Wednesday February 15, the search operations provoked armed clashes
During the rescue, members of the National Guard They managed to arrest a driver and his companion for illegally transporting migrants. These actions were carried out while the GN was carrying out inspection, verification, security, surveillance and crime prevention patrols at kilometer 018+800, of the La Tinaja-Cosoleacaque highway junction.
It was then that they saw a semi-trailer without a license plate on the back, thus breaking the rules of the road.

They arrested the mayor of Río Blanco, Veracruz with firearms
The capture was made after a tour in Cordoba, moreover, the insured apparently also carried cartridges and magazines
Then the elements of the institution marked the end of the driver of the trailer, to apply the corresponding sanction, and preventively they requested the documentation of the vehicle. During his meeting with the driver, he stated that he did not have the identity papers of the unit. The GN proceeded to inspect the cargo area, then located around 40 migrants in crowded conditions.
They also asked foreigners to identify themselves; however, none of them could prove their legal stay in the countryfor which they were transferred to the offices of the National Institute for Migration (IN M), in order to benefit from assistance in immigration procedures.

A suspected National Guard sergeant beat and overpowered a suspected lieutenant in Guerrero
One of the men had his face covered in blood and was apparently intoxicated; to separate those involved, other uniformed officers had to intervene
The driver and his companion were arrested and, together with the semi-trailer, they were made available to the Federal Public Prosecutor’s Office of the entity, to continue the corresponding investigations.
It should be mentioned that in Mexico, the government has deployed almost 30,000 members of the armed forces to the northern and southern borders, where in the last three months they have intercepted 124 thousand three hundred migrants115% more than the same previous period, according to Department of National Defense records.
Specifically, the transfer of migrants reflects the record the migration flow in the United States, whose Customs and Border Protection (CBP) intercepted more than 1.82 million people so far in fiscal year 2022, which started in October 2021.
With regard to human traffickers who take advantage of the vulnerability of migrants, this type of practice normally ends in tragedies where most of the time, those who try to cross “to the other side” die or are abandoned by the same “coyotes”.

A clear example, which will surely never be forgotten, was the terrible event that took place last June in San Antonio, Texas, when an abandoned vehicle was found in which migrants of different nationalities were traveling, including more than 50 dead due to lack of ventilation and high temperatures in the area. One of the dramas that will hardly be forgotten by the population, despite the fact that migrants risk their lives daily in search of the “American dream”.
One of the most notorious cases of this year 2023, occurred on February 20, at least 17 people died and more than a dozen were injured in a bus crash carrying migrants from Central America, Colombia and Venezuela in southern Mexico, authorities said on Monday, without the cause of the accident being for known moment.
It all happened on a highway on the border between the southern states of Oaxaca and Puebla, just four days after another bus carrying migrants crashed in Panama, killing at least 39 people.