With disparate criticisms and expectations, the social movements of the Frente de Todos observe the evolution of the political table summoned by Alberto Fernandez, that he had his first interview on Thursday with the unexpected presence of the national deputy Maxim Kirchner. Only the referents of Albertist organizations such as the Avoided there We are Barrios de Pie, represented by Fernando “Chino” Navarrenational civil servant, one of the leaders of Evita and founder of the political arm of these organizations, La Patria de los Comunes.
For them, the main point of consensus was the commitment to carry out Simultaneous and Compulsory Open Primaries (PASO) for the election of the presidential formula. However, they closely follow the future of PASO in districts like the province of Buenos Aires and, above all, for the internal competition in the municipalities.
The Patria de los Comunes has already decided to compete on equal terms with the “barons of the suburbs”, such as Fernando Espinoza in La Matanza, the constituency with the greatest electoral weight in the territory of Buenos Aires.
Navarro, the chief of staff’s secretary for civil society relations and community development, described yesterday’s pro-government summit as “very positive” and said, “We have to order the force to win the election.” He also assured that “is not contradictory the possible appointment of the Head of State and Vice-President Cristina Kirchner.
Very different is the position of the rest of the popular movements that also make up the FdT: the Movement of Excluded Workers (MTE) referenced in Juan Grabois and the Classist and Combative Current (CCC), led by the national deputy Juan Carlos Alderete.

Grabois is one of the leaders of the Frente Patria Grande, a political expression which knew how to align itself with Cristina Kirchner and which has, for example, three national deputies and a legislator in Buenos Aires.
For its part, Alderete leads the Labor and People’s Party (PTP), also the political arm of the Revolutionary Communist Party (PCR).
in dialogue with GlobeLiveMedia, Grabois was candid. He has no expectations of what can be resolved in these encounters. “I’m not going to follow this whole process very closely and I defend it this way: an old Peronist leader taught me that in Peronism a table of more than five people is useless”.

On Thursday, thirty-three (33) Frente de Todos leaders were seated around the long table. Among other personalities, Alberto Fernández stood out; the Minister of Economy, Sergio Massa; the governor of Entre Rios, Gustave Bordet; that of the Chaco, Jorge Capitanich and the Buenos Aires Axel Kicillof; the camporista mayor of Quilmes Mayra Mendoza; Fernando Espinoza of Matanzas; the head chef Hector Daer; the head of La Bancaria and national deputy, Sergius Palace; the leader of the truckers Pablo Moyano, the owner of AySA, Malena Galmarini; the Minister of Social Development, Victoria Toulouse Peace; the interior one, Edward “Wado” by Peter and also Kirchnerist and leader of La Cámpora, Andres “Cuervo” Larroque.

“I’m not in this thread, I’m not interested,” the MTE reference pointed out and said that “I won’t be part of the commission I heard asking for Cristina’s candidacy”.
On this subject, the national deputy Itai Hagman He said to this medium: “These paintings are more for photography than anything else.” And regarding the position of the Patria Grande Front, he said:Our strategy for now is John XXIII, Grabois as a candidate for the Frente de Todos. If then there are other candidates who express us, like Wado or others, we will merge there. But if not, we will ask to compete in PASO”.
Leftist Alderete, a member of the Frente de Todos bloc in the Chamber of Deputies, was even more critical. “Unfortunately, yesterday’s Frente de Todos table was not for EVERYONE and we, like other sectors of the Front, were not invited“, he expressed himself through his social networks.
“Sectarianism is bad. This is not the time for pettiness, quite the contrary, it is the time to deepen unity, to expand and above all to listen to each other,” he concluded.
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