These scholarships for 2023 seek different profiles from all regions of Colombia, in order to offer 51 high-quality training opportunities in knowledge development studies starting from the master’s and doctoral degrees. Courtesy: GlobeLiveMedia.

The Ministry of Education and the Commission for Educational and Cultural Exchanges between the United States of America and Colombia (Fulbright Colombia) announced the most recent calls for postgraduate education, which will take place in the north- American.

According to the National Education Entity, these scholarships for 2023 seek different profiles from all regions of Colombia, to provide 51 high-quality training opportunities in knowledge development studies from masters and doctorates in the best universities in the United States.

“Several of them, also recognized as the best in the world,” the Ministry of Education added.

Registration for this training opportunity will close on May 12, 2023. Individuals who benefit from the Fulbright scholarships will be covered by academic expenses (tuition waiver and/or university fees), depending on the type of program for which they are applying. . Other benefits you can access are:

  • Subsistence.
  • International air tickets, round trip.
  • Orientation seminar.
  • Pre-academic program.
  • Basic program of limited coverage for accidents and illnesses (Aspe).
  • Cost and visa procedure.
  • Complete support during all the procedures necessary for the selection and monitoring program.

The Educational and Cultural Exchange between the United States of America and Colombia – Fulbright detailed the six categories of the scholarship portfolio for 2023, which will begin in the second half of 2024:

Fulbright Scholarship for Agricultural and Rural Development of the Cocoa Sector:

This opportunity is co-funded by the United States Department of Agriculture, the scholarship is aimed at professionals who wish to pursue a master’s degree in the United States with a research project focused on the Colombian cocoa sector.

According to the Ministry of Education, this scholarship, because it is part of the Cocoa for Peace agreement, emphasizes sustainable productivity, climate-resilient agriculture, and the promotion of food security. This scholarship has three places.

Fulbright Minciencias Forgivable Credit Scholarship:

Thanks to the co-funding of the Ministerio de Ciencia Tecnología e Innovación de Colombia and with more than 25 years in the portfolio of the Becas Fulbright, this program has stimulated the formation of alto level of approximately 40 professionals interested in the investigation that they wish to carry out their doctorate in los UNITED STATES.

Fulbright Forgivable Credit Scholarship for Afro-descendant communities:

This category is co-funded by the Ministry of National Education, this opportunity is aimed at the Afro, Raizal and Palenquera communities, offering the possibility for three people who have completed professional studies to complete a master’s or doctoral program in the United States In any domain. of knowledge. . This scholarship offers 100% forgivable credit.

Fulbright Scholarship for Indigenous Communities:

This portfolio option is co-funded by the Embassy of the United States in Colombia, this scholarship will support the high-level training of a person who belongs to or recognizes himself as part of an indigenous community and who wishes to carry out a master’s degree or program of doctorate in the United States in any field of knowledge.

Fulbright Saldarriaga Concha Scholarship:

This opportunity has the support of the Saldarriaga Concha Foundation, this scholarship provides a place for Colombian professionals with disabilities who wish to study a master’s degree in the United States.

J. William Fulbright Fellowship for Climate Change Mitigation:

The sexta option is financed by the Fulbright Program and the Fulbright Fundación Amigos, esta beca apoyará la formation de capital humano en estudios de maestría de tres personas colombianas, comprometidas con responder desde enfoque interdisciplinar a la adaptation y la mitigation de las consecuencias del climate change.

Finally, those interested in applying for any of these six options of the 2023 Fulbright Graduate Scholarship Portfolio should review in detail the recommendations and terms of reference for each of the proposed programs, which can be found by entering the link following: www .fulbright.

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