Although two weeks ago there were rains and a drop in temperature in various regions, the central area and the coast of the country will again face a hello heat and the high will be around 38 degrees in some places. He National Weather Service (SMN) warned that the situation will continue until the weekend and recommendations were provided to avoid health problems.
Due to the entry of a hot air mass from the north, a new heat wave will affect different regions of the country. Indeed, the SMN reports that 11 provinces are under yellow alert for oppressive heat. The alert extends to the province of Buenos Aires, Mendoza and Entre Ríos, a large part of La Pampa, the south and northeast of San Luis, the south of San Juan, the south of Santa Fe, the center and the northeast of Corrientes. In addition, it will affect northern Neuquén and Salta.
SMN meteorologist Cindy Fernández explained that there is an anticyclonic system over the Atlantic Ocean “which favors a northerly circulation” for this reason, “warm air continually reaches the entire region and this favors the rise temperatures”. Indeed, he specified that the new heat wave will occur in several provinces and “it would be the ninth of the 2022-2023 season”.
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For the specialist, climate change is a fundamental factor in the occurrence of a greater number of heat waves. Regarding the period of high temperatures that began to be recorded this Tuesday, Fernández said that there will be “many consecutive days with temperatures above 35 degrees” so that “it is intense heat for this period” . Moreover, the meteorologist said that it is striking that the temperatures will be very uniform in all provinces.

For this Friday in the City of Buenos Aires A maximum of 36° is expected with partly cloudy skies, while temperatures will be around 33 and 38 degrees this weekend in the region. In Cordoba, the maximum will remain at 34° until Friday and then continue at 31 degrees; in the capital of Santa Fe the maximum will be 36 degrees on Thursday and Friday, while in currents Isolated thunderstorms are expected but with highs of 33 degrees through Saturday. Also, in provinces like Neuquen, San Luis there Mendozatemperatures will also be around 36 degrees.
Beyond the intense heat that several parts of the country will experience, the SMN has also issued a yellow thunderstorm alert for southeast San Juan, west San Luis and east Mendoza, where cumulative rainfall will be between 20 and 40 mm. Additionally, a yellow alert is in effect for high winds in Santa Cruz and Tierra del Fuego, where gusts could exceed 100 kilometers per hour.
The yellow heat alert involves a mild to moderate health effect and may be dangerous, especially for “at-risk groups, such as boys and girls, and people over the age of 65, with chronic illnesses. “, said the SMN.
For this reason, the Ministry of Health recommended that in case of very high temperatures, water consumption be increased without waiting to be thirsty to maintain adequate hydration, without excessive exposure to the sun, nor during the central hours of the day (between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.) , pay attention to babies, children and the elderly, avoid caffeinated, alcoholic or very sweet drinks and avoid large meals.

In addition, it was advised to eat vegetables and fruits, reduce physical activity, wear light, loose and light-colored clothing; hat, dark glasses and stay in ventilated or air-conditioned spaces.
On the other hand, it was clarified that there is no pharmacological treatment for heat stroke and therefore only preventive measures should be taken. In case of feeling of intense thirst, dry mouth, temperature above 39°C, excessive sweating, feeling of suffocating heat, dry skin, exhaustion, dizziness or fainting; among other symptoms, medical assistance should be sought and the person should be left in a cool place, getting their clothes wet and drinking cool water.
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