The Popular Agricultural Front of the FIA of Peru (frepap) is back in the political arena, as confirmed by the National Electoral Commission itself after completing the registration process. This is the fourth time that the party has returned to the list of Register of political parties (ROP) for not having the necessary popular support in various elections.

The Constitution Commission will debate this Friday the opinion which aims to modify the Jury of the national elections
The group led by the Fujimorista Hernando Guerra García aims for the collegiate to be made up of seven magistrates, including three from the bars of the regions. Moreover, the head of the JNE would no longer have the capacity to make decisions.
The Frepap is a fundamentalist party whose roots Evangelical Association of the Israelite Mission of the New World AllianceFounded by Ezequiel Ataucusi Gamonal. This figure, considered a prophet by his supporters, began his political career in the general elections of 1990. However, the 1.22% obtained during these elections did not allow him to have a seat in Congress.
Two years later, he won two seats in the Democratic Constituent Congress. The population turned its back on it again in 1995, only obtaining a seat in Parliament thanks to the 1.1% obtained. 7,473 were enough for Javier Noriega Febres to represent the fish party.

In the disputed elections of 2000, Luis Caceres and his son Roger Cáceres reached Congress, but soon joined Fujimori’s ranks after receiving $20,000 from Vladimiro Montesinos. In 2001 it failed to win any seats, just like in 2006. In 2010 the party’s registration was lost and they returned five years later to focus on regional and municipal elections.

Vladimir Cerrón will be a candidate for the presidency in a possible anticipation of the elections
The spokesman for the Perú Libre bench, Flavio Cruz, pointed out that Pedro Castillo had helped to make the image of the former governor visible
Remembered as a party with almost hazy bases and remembered only for pints in the streets, Frepap surprised in the extraordinary legislative elections of 2020 by obtaining 8.38% and with it 15 seats. Its members participated in the vacancy against former president Martín Vizcarra and are known for their conservative position. In 2021, the party did not cross the electoral barrier.
The return of frepap The ROP generates 16 political formations authorized to participate in the next elections. These are Popular Action, Alliance for Progress, Avanza País, Faith in Peru, Popular Force, Together for Peru, Democratic Green Party, We Are Peru, Frente de la Esperanza 2021 Party, Purple Party, Patriotic Party of Peru, Free Peru, Prin, Podemos Peru and Popular Revival.
Despite Congress’s inability to push through a bill to advance the legislative elections, some faces that could be on the electoral map have already begun to emerge. From the Purple Party, an invitation was extended to the former President of the Constitutional Court, Marianella Ledesma. He said he had analyzed the possibility while proposing solutions to the political crisis.

Former presidential candidate Yonhy Lescano said he received calls from Popular Action bases. For their part, if they decide to run, it should be the militancy of the lampa party which, through primary elections, would choose its representatives for the next elections. Lescano is one of the figures insisting that President Dina Boluarte resign to stop the disorder that has plagued Peru for two months.

Edgar Tello describes opponents of the Constituent Assembly as dictators
The representative of the Magistral Bloc was against an advance of the elections without a referendum
Former President Martín Vizcarra awaits the official registration of his party before the national electoral jury. Peru Primero has completed a good part of the process and if it is completed in the coming months, he will participate in the next elections. The former president, like Lescano, leaves the choice of candidates in the hands of activists. However, your main problem will be to lift the ban against you.