The General Prosecutor’s Office of the Nation presented before a guarantee control judge Luz Amanda Camacho Sánchez, former director of the Special Administrative Unit of Public Services of Bogotá (Uaesp) for her presumed responsibility establish an environmental protection zone for the management and use of solid waste.

Based on investigative work carried out by a team of CTI specialists, it was detailed that product to a landslide that was generated in the Sanitary Landfill of Doña Juana, the Special Administrative Unit of Public Services of Bogotá used a property known as Buenos Aires, Located in the city of Ciudad Bolívar (south of the city) to store garbage, debris, among others, in order to be able to thwart the eventuality.
“With this action, which was carried out for almost three years, the entity and its director at the time would have affected land that is part of the roundabout and the Environmental Management and Preservation Zone (ZMPA ) of the Tunjuelito River”, explained the judicial entity.
In turn, the national entity added that during the investigation it was proven that during the Camacho administration, Uaesp had not complied with a sanction process from the District Environment Secretariat, the which prohibits exploitation activities in this place to be a targeted area of special ecological protection.
On this basis, a prosecutor from the Specialized Directorate against “Human Rights Violations” accused the former director of Uaesp, Camacho Sánchez, of the crimes of invasion of an area of particular ecological importance and damage to natural resources.
As detailed by the Office of the Attorney General, during the act of imputation of the charges, these were not accepted by the defendant.
After the accusation became known, the former official issued a statement in which she announced that she would take all relevant legal, judicial and administrative measures for her defense.
Camacho detailed the reason of not accepting the charges and why he pleaded not guilty during the hearing, justifying that the acts he took at that time were done “with full conviction and to respect the law and the regulations in force”.
The former director of the Special Administrative Unit of Public Services in Bogotá stressed that the measures taken in her position were for the city and in favor of the right of the inhabitants of Bogotá to a healthy environment and a better quality of life.
The trial carried out by the judicial entity to impute responsibilities to the former director of the special administrative unit of the public services of Bogotá Luz Amanda Camacho Sánchez, dates from April 202.0 when a landslide occurred in the Doña Juana sanitary landfill.
This emergency was reported and confirmed by the mayor, Claudia López, on April 28, 2020, through a tweet that the president wrote around 10:14 a.m.:
“Now @UAESP and other relief agencies in the district are at the site of the Doña Juana landfill, verifying exactly what happened and the measures to be taken to guarantee the life of the houses near the landfill in the first place. .” }
According to the first report submitted by the Uaesp, on April 28, 2020, after the occurrence of the situation, the corresponding measures were taken to deal with the emergency. López, for his part, pointed out that the incident had not been of a huge scalebut he stressed that it was “a serious impact on the health of many.
the mayor blamed the consortium which operated the Doña Juana landfill, the Waste Management Center (CGR).
López added on his Twitter account: “I regret this new injustice in the south of our city due to the mismanagement of the private operator of the Doña Juana landfill and the irresponsible extension they have granted to it”.