End of the first part at the Estadio Doutor Ronaldo Junqueira. Cruzeiro and Caldense go to the locker room with a partial 2-0 victory for the visiting team. The scorers were Daniel (16′ 1T) and Bruno Rodrigues (36′ 1T, penalty).

Having won the day before, the home side will be looking for another win that will leave them well positioned in the table, while the visiting side have just drawn their last game and will be looking to win.

Caldense received a heavy blow and lost 2-3 to rivals Athletic Club. In the last games of the tournament, they had 1 win, 1 draw and 2 losses. He received 10 goals and scored 6 in favor.

Cruzeiro arrives triumphant after watching Villa Nova-MG fall 4-0. With mixed results, they ended the previous days: 2 draws and 2 losses, they were able to celebrate 6 goals and their rivals were able to win their goal 4 times.

The judge selected for the match at the Estadio Doutor Ronaldo Junqueira was Murilo Misson Junior.

Caldense formation today

The team led by Gian Barros Rodrigues start their game in a 5-2-3 formation with Elisson in goal; Ronaldo, Patrick Marcelino, Suéliton, Lula and Alyson in defense; Kayo Soares and Fabrício Bigode in the middle; and Erick Salles, Aslen and Bruninho up front.

Cruise training today

For their part, those led by Paulo Pezzolano stand on the field with a 4-4-2 strategy with Rafael under the three sticks; Kaiki Bruno, Oliveira, Neris, Reynaldo in defense; Wallisson Luiz, Neto Moura, Ian Luccas and Daniel in midfield; and Bruno Rodrigues and Gilberto in front.

Note and image source: DataFactory

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