(REUTERS/Luis Cortes)

President Andrés Manuel Lopez Obrador (AMLO) launched a virulent criticism of the Conference of Mexican episcopate (EMC) for his statement on the controversy Electoral Reform Plan B.

During his traditional morning conference, the Mexican chief executive discredited the organization of the Catholic Church after being asked about the video she shared on February 18 in which he spoke worry by the secondary reform initiative.

It is thanks to a video of Youtube that he Monsignor Ramon Castro Castro, Secretary General of the CEM, underlined concerns that the bishops of Mexico demonstrated for the alleged irregularities in the legislative process and “the content of the modification of various electoral laws”.

The episcopate ruled for electoral reform.  (Conference of the Mexican Episcopate)
The episcopate ruled for electoral reform. (Conference of the Mexican Episcopate)

This is how the president of Tabasco turned his back on the CEM after declaring that the only reference for the self-proclaimed movement of the Fourth Transformation (4T) having sufficient legitimacy on the part of the Catholic Church is the Papa Francisco.

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