There zero alcohol law is already showing its first effects in the province of Buenos Aires after the National Road Safety Agency (ANSV) reported that the number of drunk drivers on the roads to the Atlantic coast.
According to the results of the report prepared by the ANSV, an agency of the Ministry of Transport, only the 5% of breathalyzers were positivewhile in January 2022 the total number of cases had more than doubled: 11%.
However, these are not the only data that stand out, since the agency pointed out that among the positive cases, the average consumption has even flattened, which has led more than half of the drivers to register a graduation below 0. .5 grams per liter of blood.

You may be interested: As the zero alcohol law moves forward, the city reported that in 2022, more than 5,000 drivers tested positive for alcohol.
“These results confirm in Buenos Aires what we see month after month in all the other provinces that have a zero alcohol law: fewer drivers drink alcohol before getting into a car and the average presence of alcohol in positive cases is lower than when the tolerance is 0.5″, expressed Pablo Martínez Carignano, executive director of ANSV.
In provinces where this law has been in effect the longest, the average number of deaths per year after assent has shown favorable results. For example, Jujuy reduced the accident rate by 37.1%, Black River 34.3%, Holy Cross 33.5%, Cordoba 16.3% y Between rivers 15.8%.
Since December, when the Buenos Aires legislature approved the initiative, the province of Buenos Aires has not allowed driving with any level of alcohol in the blood. The zero tolerance law provides for fines, arrests and license retention, and disqualification of those who violate it.

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In this way, the province of Buenos Aires joins Chaco, Chubut, Córdoba, Entre Ríos, Jujuy, La Rioja, Río Negro, Salta, Santa Cruz, Tierra del Fuego and Tucumánwhich already have “zero drink-driving” regulations.
As determined by recent law, those who drive with values up to 499 milligrams will receive a three-month driving ban. If the alcohol level is between 500 and 999 milligrams, the sentence will be six months. Meanwhile, people circulating with levels between 1,000 and 1,500 milligrams of alcohol per liter of blood will be disabled for 18 months. Finally, those who exceed 1,500 milligrams will not be able to drive for a period of 18 months.
It is also important to mention that, during the first year of the law, people who drive with a level of up to 499 milligrams per liter of blood will only be penalized with the participation and approval of education courses. and special training for correct use. .from the public road.
For the moment, the project has half of the approval of the deputies. In parallel, according to one of the latest reports, the city of Buenos Aires reported that in November 2022, more than 5,000 drivers tested positive with the breathalyzer.
According to figures published by the authorities of Buenos Aires, until last November 30, a total of 331,986 checks of this type had already been carried out in different parts of the district, which represents a growth of 12% compared to the last year.
Among the tests carried out, 1.5%, or 5,155 people, exceeded the maximum authorized blood alcohol level, i.e. 0.5 gr/l for private vehicles, 0.2 gr/l for motorcyclists and 0.0 gr/l for beginners and professionals. Drivers.
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