There Christian Association of Business Leaders (ACDE) said in a statement that it is very concerned about how the executive branch’s attack on members of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation to disagree with their decisions.
in dialogue with GlobeLiveMediathe president of the commercial entity, Gonzalo Tanoirarefers to the government’s attack on the highest court.
– What is the position of the association that you chair on the dismissal of the Supreme Court?
– This is not the first time that we protest, we have already protested in the past, both from the Christian Association of Business Leaders and from the Convergence Forum, which is an entity that brings together more associations and to which we belong. And it’s not the first time, but hey, as the case continues on the table and the impeachment committee advances to the Chamber of Deputies, we see what is happening with growing concern. Because on the one hand, everyone realizes that this is due to a decision, that the government does not agree with a decision which concerns the distribution of national funds and because of this decision, by not not agreeing, takes as reprisal to prosecute the members of the Court. We consider this to be of enormous institutional gravity because it calls into question the entire Argentine judicial system.
Tomorrow, I can run a red light and say that I don’t agree with the decision that a judge applies to me. So with what authority will justice rule if one of the parties – the national government – disregards a judgment and retaliates against the prosecution of the judges. So we have already said it several times, we thought it appropriate to make one more call because, on top of all that, what is happening is that Congress is paralyzed. In special sessions, Congress was paralyzed because we all know that until this question of the impeachment commission is resolved, the opposition has decided that they will not support any project.

So the truth is that as business people, as a Christian association, as a member of civil society, let’s say, we see with great concern that there are so many serious problems and so many problems in the country that we have a congress paralyzed because of the party questions that come from the way the money is distributed within the governments, if it goes to the opposition or if it goes to a district that is governed by the government or the opposition. In this case, the province of Buenos Aires or the city of Buenos Aires. To sum up, we are very concerned and we see that the country has big problems and Congress should commit to solving these problems.
– Does this situation affect the business climate, job creation, investments that companies can make?
– Totally because when an investor has to bring in money from abroad, whether it’s an Argentinian investor or a foreign investor who has to make the decision to risk money in the country, the first thing he watches is the workings of justice. If these funds that he’s going to bring in are safe from the power groups, in this case the national government, the provincial governments…if they’re going to raise taxes, if they’re going to change the rules of the game. is basically a change in the rules of the game, with the National Government trying to make a political case to change the Supreme Court of Justice to set up a Court that is favorable to it. So a few words to the wise, that this is clearly a change in the rules of the game and greatly affects the entrepreneurial spirit and the investment spirit of Argentinian investors and strangers.
– You have a vast experience in the country and also abroad In a developed country, such an attack against Justice is unthinkable?
I’ve never heard of it, the truth is that I’m not a technical legal expert, so I could be wrong, but the truth is that things of this nature – eliminating really unusual things like in Cuba, in Venezuela, in North Korea, terrible things are happening – no.
In the developed world, these things don’t happen. If we want to develop, we have to understand that these things cannot happen, we have to understand that we have to provide security, space for businessmen, for entrepreneurs and for investors who come to risk their capital. It has been proven that the only way forward is with private investment. Night owls who think that we can move forward with a state that can take into account all the needs of all Argentines is a bankrupt state whose only way is to print tickets to satisfy everyone and we know where is the world going 100% inflation. In other words, it can’t be that so much time has passed and we don’t understand that every time a peso is printed, they cheat us… they cheat us.
It’s like he’s a counterfeiter who keeps adding pesos because he can’t make decisions to cut government spending. So they keep tricking us with the issue of the little peso printing machine and we just sit there and say nothing. I believe that society is tired and that there are above all businessmen and associations and chambers who are no longer there to be silent since this continues, that they demand another model of conduct, that they require seriousness, that they require clear, stable and fair rules. , and require a certain professionalism in the handling of the currency. We are at 100% annual inflation with a soaring dollar and we continue. Our fiscal record as a country is really, really bad.

-How do you see, according to the Christian Association of Business Leaders, the very high levels of poverty in Argentina and what can be the contribution of the business world?
– First, I turn to the message of our founder Enrique Shaw that undoubtedly he has always had a very marked vocation to be interested in the future of workers and in the company to watch over the trajectory of life, to accompany and give an expectation of improvement to its workers. It is about the equitable distribution of income produced by a company, it must be about an equitable distribution between those who provide the work and those who provide the capital. What Enrique Shaw was also saying is that for there to be investors, the state or the government has to create the conditions for a businessman to invest, because if we remove all the conditions from the businessman, businessman just won’t invest.
We need to have a set of rules that attracts investment and attracts investors who are not in the country today, who come to risk their money and, when they are here, after telling them in advance what look like these rules, that these rules take into account It indicates how labor is paid and how capital is paid. I think it is essential in our country to be aware of this and there business people need to be aware of how we treat our employees and how we empower them so that they can progress through decent work that the private sector gives them.
– What are the short and medium term prospects for staff recruitment? Are companies ready to hire employees?
– No, I do not think so. I think there’s very little mind to hire until we know what’s going on with the election. I think it’s going to be a year where everyone is waiting to see what happens with the elections, who is going to lead this country for the next four years and what their plans are. I think a lot of people when Macri took office made impulsive investment decisions and realized that the changes that need to be made are much more difficult than expected and this time it seems to me that they will wait a little longer until they see a little. what is the plan, what is the idea, how will it be implemented.
In short, what we have to consider is to what extent the Argentine population is going to allow the changes that need to be made to be made. It’s not just that an enlightened president comes along and says “well, those are the changes and I’m making them” but that later on the society agrees with those changes and in many cases sacrifices will have to be made , we will have to make sacrifices Everyone, not just workers.
I think the main thing that supports the Social Doctrine of the Church and that we support from ACDE is that sacrifices should be shared. That we all have a hand in raising this country, not just the employees, not just the public employees, not just the business people, not just the farmers, but we all have to put our shoulders down a little and have a little patience if we want to see the fruits of the country we all want. Because we all want a country with more inclusion, a country with less poverty, with more development, more investment. But this country is not created overnight. We all need to have a bit of patience and we need to know that we are trying hard, but at the same time there are other Argentines who are also trying hard, and here I include mostly business people. We have to be patient as businessmen and put our shoulders together to move the country forward.