He April 25, 2023 14 years have passed since the death of the Spanish writer and poet Antonio Pereira Gonzalez, known for his talent in building news. On the occasion of the centenary of his birth, the reissue of “all the tales”published in 2012, and the title “All Poems”. The author of “Kabbalah Tales”born June 15, 1923, is remembered with these two literary compilations in which a sample of his verses and narrative prose is collected.
Pereira’s poetic and short story vein was reflected in the first activities of his youthful writing, when some of his stories were published in the Leonese magazine. banglebut it was not until the 1970s that he published his first books, such as the collection of poems “The return”there”A window on the road», a collection of short stories, with which he consolidated his career as a storyteller.
“All the Stories” (Siruela) has the prologue of Antonio Gamonedathe author of “Blues Castellano” there”The cold book. While “All Poems”is preceded by a text of Juan Carlos Mestreauthor of “Keat’s grave there”The Red House”. Although he explored various genres, history was charged with immortalizing him as an outstanding author as the most relevant storyteller of his time.

The text dedicated to the genre that made him famous is a compilation of those he made known throughout twelve books, from the first 1967 and with which he distinguished himself with the Leopoldo Hélas Prize (Retour à la route), until his last book published in 2007, The badge on the tower. Now this whole trajectory as a storyteller sheds light on the differences in his narrative until the culminating moment that the author has become with his own stamp.
In the text of gamonedain its prologue, gives an account of all this particularity which surrounded Pereira, a text in which he inserts the storyteller into a broad historical period in which he produced his work. All stories position the storyteller beyond the position of easy, familiar, kind and funny storyteller. The samples place it in another line of his writing as his most traditional moments until the beginnings of his experimental narrative.
In the book which exalts his work as a storyteller, the reader learns closely that Pereira that in his early years he made his debut with three sonnets, despite the antisonetil current that the bangle since its creation in 1944. The text also includes tributes to the priest Antoine González from the mothera man who gave him his first chances and figure included in stories like Asturian from Delfina of the book Cities of Westerosa man who brought up his poems.

The title preceded by Juan Carlos Mestrebrings together in its pages all the complete works of his poetic vein, a journey from his first publications in the genre to 1962and until 2006. The title goes hand in hand with the one dedicated to its narrative vein, here the 380 pages reflect 44 years of trajectory and lyrical creation; the lines of the two titles reconstitute by memory the Spanish storyteller, poet and writer.
Antonio Pereira was born in 1923 in Villafranca del Bierzo (Spain). At just eleven years old, he began to wear glasses, which spared him military service, and at thirteen, he made his first journalistic collaboration. In 1949 he published in the magazine Espadaña poems of summer and the same year in Leon’s diary an article section, Watchtower
In 1964 he published The return, his first collection of poetry and three years later his first collection of short stories, from these years he swapped genres. In 1969 edited the poetic sheaf Cancionero de Sagresin addition to the novel A place for solitudeand started a series of weekly articles, research workIn The Spanish avant-garde from Barcelona. The author died a April 25, 2009 in his native Léon.
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