No language spoken in the world has remained intact throughout history. Over the years and mutual contacts, the jargon used at certain times undergoes disuse and, in the most extreme cases, the disappearance. The Spanish spoken in Mexico is not the exception and in the transition from the 20th to the 21st century various words he stopped ringing so often.

One of official languages spoken in Mexico is the Spanish, which was placed as the most popular. Worldwide, more than 20 countries also recognize the Castilian language as their main communication code; However, the contact with mother tongues spoken in the territory before its imposition, as well as the influence of other languages, created a particular code.
Globalization has led to the appearance of new words in the panorama of the Spanish language such as Anglicisms. In this sense, there are a number of mexicanisms used to express specific situations that came out of contemporary jargon speakers of the language in Mexico.
Contact with processes such as food preparation has been one of the most recurrent sources for the appearance of new words. It is difficult to find the word roast as a verb used in another part of the world; however, given the texture of chicharrón after cooking, in Mexico it is used to describe the action of shrinking or crumpling an object.
– shrinkage
The word achicopalar is an example of the influence of native languages on Spanish. It has its origin in Nahuatl and is used to describe the state of mind of a discouraged or sad person in the face of a situation.

Due to its relation to the action of pushing or squeezing the chest, the word apechugar is used to express the action of a person being forced to face the consequences of their actions, usually negative or unwanted.
– boy
Chicho is a word used as a qualifying adjective to describe what is good, pleasant, pretty or of good quality. In the case of people, it is used to define someone with suitable qualities to carry out a specific activity.
– Chinicuil
A chinicuil is the name by which the worms that inhabit the interior of certain magueys are known. They are red moth larvae whose erratic, restless movement has been used to describe people’s behavior. In this sense, a restless person is considered to “move like a chinicuil”.
– without hull
The word “chipped” or “chipped” is used to describe a person who is disorderly or careless to do certain activities; however, it is also used to describe the action of disarming, breaking down, or separating parts of a compound.
– dilate
Generally, the word dilate is associated with the action of a body to increase its volume, like a balloon when it is inflated, as well as the pupil of the eye in the absence of light: however, it is also a verb used to express the extension of a certain amount of time or synonymous with delay.

– capsize
When a person involves and injures a third person as a result of a predetermined action, they are said to be embarrassed.
– gourd
The squash corresponds to a plant whose pod provides recurring food in the southern regions and the Yucatan Peninsula, although it is also the name given to certain fruits whose dry shell hardens and allows the transport of food or liquids to the outside. inside.
However, another of the contexts in which the word is used is to describe when someone ignores a situation or is unaware of something, for this reason it is said that “it becomes gourd”.
Rascuache was a qualifying adjective used to designate an object, situation, or place associated with negative referents like being ugly, poor, or low class.
A word used to describe a person who is stubborn, reluctant or indomitable despite the fact that external stimuli try to compel him to carry out the action contrary to that intended.
– Tacuché
Tauche is another example of the legacy of the original languages. In this case, it corresponds to a Tarascan word used to designate an envelope of rags; however, it is also used to refer to a characteristic costume or garment for its elegance or to be used for a special occasion.

Originating from Nahuatl, the word tatemar is used as a synonym for cooking, burning or putting something on fire.
– Virote
The word virote is not commonly used in Mexico City because the food it refers to is known as bolillo in the region; however, in other states like Jalisco it is recurrent due to the type of bread produced and consumed locally.
– Zangolotear
Jiggling is a verb used to describe the action of sudden, involuntary movement of a person or object. Similarly, someone can shake something if he continuously and violently moves it.