After the taxi drivers’ union announced that it would come out to mobilize in the streets of Bogotá Wednesday, February 22, the Ministry of transportation He called them to a meeting so that he could discuss the issues that upset them.

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Through a statement, the portfolio cited the dialog table at 2 p.m. tuesday 21 februarya day before the protests planned by the taxi drivers.
“Faced with the mobilizations that some taxi drivers’ unions have announced for next Wednesday, February 22 in some cities of the country, the National Government, led by the Ministry of Transport, expresses its full arrangement to build, through dialogue, agreed solutions to the problems posed by this important taxi sector, on which we will announce important advances and recognitions next Tuesday, February 21, ”said the Ministry of Transport.
According to the portfolio, the dialogue table has been convened in person and virtually and, in addition, it will have the participation of ministers of labor y Information and communication technologies.

The Viva Air union protest blocked El Dorado Avenue in Bogotá
The union’s lawyer told GlobeLiveMedia that the sit-ins were a call for Civil Aeronautics to make a quick decision on the process of integrating the low-cost carrier into Avianca, as more than a thousand people could lose their job.
The Ministry of Transport also indicated that it will “stand by” to find out the names of spokespersons and/or representatives of the so-called mobilization F22 which will constitute the dialogue table with the national government.

In the process, the Ministry of Transport recalled that the objective of the meeting will be “to listen to the requests and the motivations which led them to promote the day, to discuss the problems which afflict them and thus to seek effective and concerted solutions, for the benefit of those who are part of the taxi industry.

The Minister of Transport insisted that the Bogotá metro contract could be modified
Guillermo Reyes pointed out that the government and the district are working in two technical groups to create the conditions in which the first underground line could be built.