The bill that aims to regulate surrogacy in Colombiasettled before Congress of the Republicand aroused reactions both for and against concerning the guarantee of the rights of women and children and the prohibition of the practice with strictly for profit.
For him NCR Radio opened the possibility that from the shores of the project the advantages and the antithesis which are linked to the law are established. Leonard Barretothe prosecutor of the Colombian Association of Family Defenderstold the said media that the initiative led by the Ministry of Health and Justice, “attacks on life and human dignity”.
“This is an initiative that affects rights of women and childrenbecause it objectifies children and women, which also exploits them (…) It is regressive and goes against the norms that have been fought against by women in the search for respect for their rights and elimination against all forms of violence”, Barreto said.
She commented that it is evident that women in the nation are instrumentalized so that part of their body is rented out for the benefit of a third party: “The goal is to regulate how a woman can rent a part of your body in this case the belly so that it settles there and fertilize a baby, which is not considered a creature in the making, but rather a product. They speak of the objectification of the human being”.
He pointed out that since constitutional Court It has been ratified by sentences that life begins from the moment of fertilization and that at the moment of birth the individual has all his rights and extends throughout life.
On the other hand, the director of Ambar Foundation, Maria Isabel Restrepowelcomed the initiative, because “It allows couples to realize the dream of having children.” “This is a bill that aims to give women more peace of mind when going through these processes, which serve to help couples or single people who cannot have children and who want to found their family, which is a LAW that the people who start this process have”front outfit NCR Radio.
She also mentioned how this project could generate great advances for women and society, since thanks to the initiative there will be regulations adapted to the care of women at the physical, psychological and gynecological level.
the geneticist Caroline Rivera explained to the aforementioned medium that this process from the field of medicine allows the minor to have the father and mother genes and not of the woman who rents her belly. “To create a pregnancy in a leased or surrogate uterus assisted reproduction is required by in vitro fertilizationwhere mature eggs are obtained from the ovaries (extraction) and fertilized with sperm in a laboratory,” explain Rivera.
He explained how fertilize the eggs, these are implanted in the uterus to complete the process of in vitro fertilizationthe healthcare professional has explained that you can use own cum one by one known or anonymous donordepending on the case.
One of the axes of the project in the womb rental concerns a practice free for profit, it must be strictly voluntary. There was also a debate on this issue.
According to the prosecutor Colombian Association of Family Defenders, Leonel Barreto: “On the question of the altruism proposed by the project, this leaves many doubts because we know that in practice it is the opposite that occurs; we insist on the best interests because of the children, because when they are born, they have the right to live with the biological family”.
He pointed out that the minor was going to be handed over to another family, without the child having the possibility of deciding whether he wanted to do so or not, since according to the words of the official “Through a transaction, they have defined who their parents will be.”
in annoyance, Marie-Isabelle Restrepopointed out that what the initiative allows is an opportunity for science in the country and for women, because the woman will have the opportunity to choose what type of pregnancy you want to have.
It should be mentioned that the initiative is about to be debated in Congress of the Republicuntil this is done, the prospects for one side and the other will continue to be known, because for many the scenario could attack on the lives of minors and in turn some see in this space the opportunity to start a family in the best way.