Sunarp: company name registration. (Andean /Composition)

In recent years, new companies and businesses have been established in various parts of the world. In Peru, the first year of the pandemic (2020), more than 235,000 businesses were created, according to the Lima Chamber of Commerce. The formal registration of these companies had to go through certain stages National Superintendency of Public Records (Sunarp).

One of the fundamental steps is the name reservation for the incorporation of the company to become effective. This procedure must be carried out in Sunarppreview name search.

If you want to know how the name reservation in SunarpYou must take into account that the procedure can be done in two ways, face-to-face and online, and each has a slightly different process.

Sunarp: company name registration.  (Andean)
Sunarp: company name registration. (Andean)

1. Go to a Sunarp or MAC office and request the index search form. The cost is S/6.00.

This step is essential to know if the name you want to use is available.

2. Please wait 20-30 minutes to receive the search result.

3. Now decide what type of business you will integrate your business into. Remember that there are five in total.

4. Complete the Reservation request form Legal entity name that you can request it at the Sunarp facilities.

5. Go to the service window and present the previous form and your ID. Remember that you must include three optional names. The free name will be the registered one.

6. Finally, make the payment of S/24.00 and you will have made the name reservation.

GIVEN: In the case of going to a Macyou will need to request an appointment.


There are five types of businesses that exist in the Andean country and are established in Sunarp.

– Public limited company (SA)

– Open Joint Stock Company (SAA)

– Closed Stock Company (SAC)

– Commercial Limited Liability Company (SRL)

– Individual Entrepreneur with Limited Liability (EIRL)

The cost to reserve a business name in Sunarp it is S/24.00.


It is necessary to identify the differences that exist regarding the reservation of the name and the taking of the name itself

– The reservation of the name, after the search, has a period of 30 working days.

At that time, the people who made the booking need to create the company and finally register it.

– Upon registration, the name granted by Sunarp is for the time that the company is in effect.

If a company name is registered in Sunarp and it is valid, no.

Only in the event that the company is registered as extinct, the name will be available to anyone who wishes to take it, after research and reservation.

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