Different Kirchnerist organizations have begun to outline actions to install the complaint of political proscription raised by the vice-president in the electoral discussion Cristina Kirchner after the decision of the Road Cause in which she was sentenced to six years in prison and a life ban from holding public office. The different Christian spaces They are working to carry out an act for next March 11 in the municipality of Avellaneda, on the 50th anniversary of the electoral victory of Héctor Cámpora, which meant the return of Peronism to government after 18 years of proscription. He will try to make a show of force to report on support to CFK and also to take a new step in the operational outcry his candidacy, despite the fact that the former president said that this year his name “would not appear on any ballot”.
In principle, the act – of which it is not yet defined whether the vice president will participate – will take place in the municipality of Avellaneda where the mayor governs, Jorge Ferraresi. He was in this neighbourhood where CFK made his last appearance in a public act and raised the notion of proscription that weighed on her.
The day will also be the public presentation of the coordinator La Patria es el Otro, the conglomerate of Kirchnerist organizations that found in this seal a space of contention outside of the larger organizations of K Peronism, especially La Cámpora. So much of the organization that commands Maxim Kirchner starting from La Patria es el Otro, they specify that there is no conflict of power, but complementarity. The person in charge of coordinating this new space is the Minister of Community Development of the province of Buenos Aires, Andres “Cuervo” Larroque. However, from the organization they specify that Not only will those who make up La Patria es el Otro be there, but something broader is being sought.
“The idea is to demonstrate that there is a city that rejects the ban that weighs on Cristina through concrete action, as in this case it is an act”, they slipped from the organization to GlobeLiveMedia.
The meeting also serves to decompress the controversy that has arisen over the content of the mobilization that will take place on March 24 in Plaza de Mayo on the occasion of the 47th anniversary of the last military coup. It so happens that one of the strategies of Kirchnerism was raise the issue of the vice president’s ban as part of the agenda of the usual march celebrated for the Day of Truth, Memory and Justice. However, the president of the Grandmothers of the Plaza de Mayo, Carlotto stele, had marked – in statements to FM La Patriada– that this date was “a reminder of a coup d’etat, the disappearance of 30,000 people and 500 babies born in captivity”, and that the judicial situation of the vice-president “is another question which will surely be addressed the day before or after 24, because we can’t mix it With a clearly current political theme, the memory is of what happened on March 24, 1976.
Before the affair escalated further, the Minister of the Interior, Edward de Pierre, Linked to human rights organizations through the HIJOS group, he met other officials – also from HIJOS – with the Grandmothers official herself. El encuentro fue divulgado luego en redes sociales bajo el mismo concepto: “Como en cada 24 de marzo, unidos por más Memoria, Verdad y Justicia ¡Todos y todas a la Plaza!”, describe the mensaje adjuntado a una photo de Carlotto, de Rock; the deputy of the city, Victoria Montenegro; the Secretary for Human Rights of the Nation, Horace Pietragalla and other references from human rights organizations. Thus, Kirchnerism deactivated counterpoint.
The meeting in which Christianity works for next March 11 It will also have a strong electoral content: ask that the vice-president be a presidential candidate in the next elections. It is a new step in the operation that was sought after the meeting of the national table of the Frente de Todos last week. During this meeting between the main and various figures of the ruling party, it was proposed to form a commission which would see Cristina Kirchner ask her to reconsider her decision not to be a candidate this year, as it was retained in the act of Avellaneda of last December 27. This body, promoted at the FdT table by trade unionists Sergius Palace (The Bank) and Hugo Yaski (CTA de los Trabajadores), has not yet made significant progress, but the plan is still in effect.
In fact, it was La Patria es el Otro that put up the posters around the PJ headquarters on Calle Matheu that read: “Proscription a piece of shit. Christine President, as part of the actions that have been taken to not drop the issue as the electoral calendar begins to run. This sticker also had replicas in different parts of the Buenos Aires suburbs and the city.
A la Patria es el Otro is made up of: La Rucci Association of November 17, National and Popular Current of May 25 (CNP25), National Confederation of Worker Cooperatives (CNCT), Peronist Current of April 13, Descamisados, Federation of Cooperatives of Labor of the Province of Buenos Aires (FECOOPBA), Federation of Social Economy Workers (FETRAES), Peronist Social Front (FSP), Identity, Oktubre Militant Current, Peronist Unity Movement, Transversal Front, Kolina Buenos Aires, Current National of the Militant, Militant Loyalty Current, Los Irrompibles Buenos Aires, National Martín Fierro Current, Militant Organization Peronism, Piquetero Unity – Piquetero Party, United and Organized, Social Front of Pope Francis, Collective Force, The 20 Truths, Back to the Roots Group, Federal Peoples’ Front, La Capitana, New Fatherland Social Front, Epika.
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