The saints are different every day, remember those who were characterized by their good deeds. (GlobeLiveMedia/Jovani Perez)

A few decades, even centuries ago, the ancestors used to name their children with the name of the saint of the day of their birth, not in vain in the famous “Maรฑanitas” there is a stanza that says: “Today, because it’s your birthday, we sing them to you here…โ€.

He onomastic alludes to the day when a saint is celebrated, although it is common for many people to use it as a synonym for birthday, which is wrong, because when they talk about it, they only allude to the list of holy names.

Like every day of the year, today also commemorates the women and men who stood out for having special connections with the deities, who did good deeds for their neighbors and who had high ethics and morals, reasons that led them to to be canonized or beatified and be among the saints.

A member of a Hispano-Roman family from Cartagena, Leandro was born around the year 549.

Three more of his brothers would reach the altars: Fulgencio, Florentina and Isidoro.

He participated in the conversion to Catholicism of San Hermenegildo and later of his brother Recaredo, thus achieving Catholic unity in the nation.

He was Archbishop of Seville and presided over the III Council of Toledo (year 589). His influence was decisive in the development and subsequent splendor of the Hispano-Visigothic Church.

He died around the year 600 and his body was taken to the Cathedral of Seville.

With this character is other saints and martyrs which are also celebrated this Tuesday, February 28 as follows:

Saint Cira

Santa Marana

St. Oswald

Blessed Antonia of Florence

Blessed Daniel Alejo Brottier

Pope Francis after the canonization of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, in St. Peter's Square at the Vatican, September 4, 2016. (AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO)
Pope Francis after the canonization of Mother Teresa of Calcutta, in St. Peter’s Square at the Vatican, September 4, 2016. (AFP PHOTO / ANDREAS SOLARO)

The Catholic and Orthodox Church uses canonization to declare a deceased person a saint.which implies the inclusion of her name in the canon (list of recognized saints) and the authorization to venerate her, acknowledging her power before God.

During Christianity, people were recognized as saints without the need for a formal process; however, this changed in the Middle Ages.

In the case of Catholicism, the Church must make an exhaustive investigation of the life of the person to be sanctified and there are four ways to obtain the appointment: the path of heroic virtues; the path of martyrdom; that of exceptional causes, confirmed by an ancient cult and written sources; and the offer of life.

Moreover, it is an essential requirement who performed at least two miracles (or one in the case of being a martyr). Canonization is made in a solemn papal declaration and a feast day is assigned for liturgical veneration.

There is no set time limit for proceeding with the canonization of a character, since there is even cases like that of San Pedro Damiรกn who was canonized up to 756 years after his death or, conversely, the case of San Antonio de Padua which was named up to 352 days after his death.

The last canonization took place in October 2019, when the pope declared Cardinal John Henry Newman and Sister Dulce of Brazil saints.

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