March 20 (Reuters) – The Russian Defense Ministry said an Su-35 fighter flew over the Baltic Sea on Monday after two U.S. strategic bombers flew towards the Russian border but returned to base after s to be flown away. .

El suceso se produjo después de que el 14 de marzo un dron estadounidense estrellara en el mar Negro tras ser interceptado por aviones rusos, en lo que fue el primer encuentro militar directo conocido entre Rusia y Estados Unidos desde que Rusia invaded Ucrania en febrero del past year.

“On March 20, the radar installations of the Air Defense Forces of the Western Military District operating over the Baltic Sea detected two air targets flying in the direction of the state border of the Russian Federation,” it said. the ministry in the application. Messaging.

They were US Air Force B52H strategic bombers.

The ministry added that a Su-35 fighter took off to prevent a border violation, adding: “After the foreign military aircraft flew away from the state border of the Russian Federation, the Russian fighter is returned to its base airfield”.

The ministry said the Su-35 flight strictly complied with international rules for using airspace. “No violation of the state border of the Russian Federation was allowed,” he said.

(Reporting by Elaine Monaghan and Ron Popeski; Editing in Spanish by Javier Leira)

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