According to the interactive map of the Superintendency of land transport of people, goods and goods (Tomorrow), until the morning of this Saturday, the torrential rain recorded in various parts of the country, some associated with the Cyclone Yakuhave to date left 45 restricted transit points and 13 with interrupted traffic on the national road network.

In this regard, Renzo Torres, Deputy Director of Electronic Supervision of Sutran, pointed out that according to information updated at 08:00 a.m. on March 11, the most significant effects on the road network are in the north of the country, in particular in the Department of Piura. Other roads affected by heavy rain are the highway Pimentel Chiclayo, in the department of Lambayeque.
He said the Ministry of Transport and Communications (MTC) is on high alert to respond to emergencies that occur on national roads. Furthermore, he recommended that drivers consult the interactive Sutran map at the following link before embarking on a journey through the national road network. link.
He National Institute for Civil Protection (Indeci) reported that after the flood recorded yesterday in the town of Santa Ana, located in the province of Casma, department of Áncash, due to the overflow of the Grande and Sechín rivers, the staff of the district municipality and the regional government began response actions.

The Regional Emergency Operations Center (COER) of cash reported that the Autopista del Norte company dismantled a temporary bridge to advance the course of the Sechín River. This caused the total interruption of automobile traffic in the region.
The road affected belongs to the national road network PE-1N (Panamericana Norte), Huarmey-Casma section, Quebrada Seca sector, Sechin Bridge km 333+000 – Km 335+000 and Km 376+500. In this section, a large amount of material has deposited on the road and washouts have been identified in the right-of-way.
Hundreds of groups of passengers who had lost Chiclayo on their way to Lima had been stranded since 6 a.m. due to the interruption of traffic due to the absence of a bridge to cross the Sechín River. Passengers demanded part of the return of their tickets to make a transfer.
Due to the traffic restriction, from this Friday the sale of interprovincial tickets for the north of the country has been interrupted in travel agencies, on Avenida 28 de Julio, in the La Victoria district.
Tickets for Tumbes, Chimbote, Trujillo, Chiclayo, Piura and Sullana have been suspended until further notice.
In this regard, the regional governor of Ancash, Koki Noriega, He pointed out that they are preparing an alternative route, of a single route, which would be ready from three o’clock in the afternoon of this afternoon to allow transit at the height of the Sechín River, on the North Panamerican Highway.
On the other hand, about 70,000 inhabitants of the province of Huamcabamba would find themselves isolated after a major landslide recorded on the Canchaque-Huancabamba highway, which connects the city of Piura, due to the intense rains recorded in the north of the country. . , according to Mayor Hernán Lizana Campos.
The mayor specifies to the agency andean that the area affected by the landslide of mud and stones is located at the height of the Las Minas sector and that the isolation mainly affects the neighborhoods of Huancabamba, El Carmen de la Frontera, Sondor and Sondorillo.