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The Community of Madrid has announced restrictions in 9 new basic health areas and 6 municipalities due to the increase in coronavirus infections both in the region and throughout the Country. These perimeter confinement measures will take effect next Monday January 25 at 00:00 and will last at least 14 days.

The incidence in Madrid in the last 14 days rises, according to the latest data, to 875, well above the national average. During the last week, 28,870 infections have been reported. For this reason, the Ministry of Health has decided to confine these areas to the perimeter, where more than 1.6 million people reside, that is, 24% of the region and 28% of the confined people.

New confined areas

-ZBS de La Ribota, Ramón y Cajal, Doctor Trueta and Doctor Laín Entralgo.

-ZBS of the Cities (Getafe)

-Cercedilla (Navacerrada)

-Los Molinos (Collado Villalba)


-Colmenar de Oreja


-Serranillos del Valle

Areas where movement limitation is maintained

In addition, the Community of Madrid has maintained the restrictions for 7 more days in the basic health areas that were ending their confinement, predictably, today. Also the areas where mobility was limited last week will have to continue their perimeter confinement. These places are:

In the city of Madrid:

-Andrés Mellado (Chamberí)

-Sanchinarro, Virgen del Cortijo, Benita de Ávila and Silvanor (Hortaleza)

-Aravaca (Moncloa-Aravaca)

-General Moscardó (Tetouan)

-Barajas and Alameda de Osuna (Barajas)

-Mirasierra and Las Tablas (Fuencarral-El Pardo)

-Jasmine (Linear City)

-Baviera, General Oraá and Montesa (Salamanca)

-Alps and Rejas (San Blas-Canillejas)

In other municipalities:

-Felipe II, Coimbra Park and Mayor Bartolomé González (Móstoles)

-Getafe North (Getafe)

-Olivas and Aranjuez (Aranjuez)

-San Fernando and Amperchines (San Fernando de Henares)

-Peace (Rivas-Vaciamadrid)

-Sierra de Guadarrama (Colmenar Viejo)

-You kill them (Las Rozas)



-Hoyo de Manzanares



-Improved the field


-Villarejo de Salvanés


-Saint Sebastian of the kings


-Talamanca del Jarama



-Medium Collar

-Becerril de la Sierra

-Cadalso of the Glasses

-Real Field


-Velilla de San Antonio

-Source el Saz

-San Agustín de Guadalix


-The Cabrera

-The Molar

Other measures

The Minister of Health, Enrique Ruiz Escudero, has also announced other measures to be applied, in principle, for 14 days, to deal with the transmission of infections:

-The curfew is brought forward at 22:00 and will end at 06:00.

-Shops and hotels will have to close at 9:00 p.m., except for pharmacies, gas stations, medical and veterinary centers and unavoidable services.

– Meetings of non-cohabiting people are forbidden, except for the care of dependent people.

-The maximum number of people in hospitality premises will be 4.

-The capacity of leisure spaces in shopping centers is limited to 50%.

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