The state of Ahuehuete planted on Paseo de la Reforma Avenue is critical, acknowledged the Head of government, Claudia SheinbaumTherefore, a group of experts from the University of Chapingo assess his condition and next week they will determine the measures to try to save him.

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The emotional moment was shared by journalist Jorge Becerril, who works with the brigade team in Hatay province.
“You work with a Chapingo FoundationAs always in this case and in others, we consult the experts, the people who are in the know and they are about to provide information, an evaluation is in progress next week“, advanced Sheinbaum this Friday.
Just on June 5, 2022, the tree was transplanted by specialists to the site occupied by La Palma, which gave its name to one of the most representative roundabouts of this road in Mexico City, however, its adaptation has been complex and its condition appears to be very deteriorated, so it was assumed that it would eventually be removed.

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The dog belonged to the group of 10 dogs that provided search and rescue services to victims after the earthquake
“So we are going to wait for the secretary (Marina Robles) next week with this foundation which I think are former students of Chapingo, she informed me, they inform me and see what is necessary. They are very specialized agronomists and I think some of them are specialized in the Ahuehuetes,” said the president of CDMX.

During the 8 months spent in Reforma, the CDMX environmental secretariat assured that the ahuehuete specimen was in a period of adaptation, although it also recognized the damage caused by a fungus.

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The institution has set itself the task of analyzing different brands so that, based on the information revealed, the consumer makes the best decision when purchasing one of these products.
The Ministry of the Environment responded to a request for information, where it indicated that “currently (the ahuehuete) is in a critical state of health, presenting an absence of foliage and cracking of the stem, which is an indicator of water stress, as well as the primary and secondary branches are rigid and in a drooping position”.
The document made public by the activists explains that since it was planted at the Reforma roundabout,
the tree has been subjected to different stress conditions, both mechanical and pathological.

Among the obstacles the tree had to face was the climate change, since apparently the one he had for 20 years in Nuevo León, is very different from the one he lives in Mexico City. That of the capital could have been interpreted, by the tree, as if it were in winter.
Even the owner of Mexico City Headquarters, Marina Roblesassured that a car accident, which occurred a few months ago, when a car drove up the roundabout and hit the support system that helped the tree, was one of the factors that most affected the development of the Reforma ahuehuete.
Some versions suggest that the ahuehuete could be taken to a nursery, where it would try to improve its state of health, and therefore another tree would take its place in the Reforma gazebo.
In June 2022, the authorities of CDMX Sedema welcomed the ahuehuete at the Reforma roundabout where a Palma was: “The #Ahuehuete has already arrived at the Paseo de la Reforma roundabout, Where will your home be for the next 2,000 years?
The tree was moved from one nursery located in Xochimilcowhere he received preventive treatment. For its placement, the central lanes were closed for maneuvers.
Said specimen, from the state of Nuevo León, is a young specimen, since 20 years old and an height of 13 metersfor which a high tonnage crane was used.
To facilitate its adaptation in the Mexican capital, the soil of the roundabout has been improved with substrates to ensure good root development.